What was the date of the full moon of 2014?

Dates of Moon Phases in 2014 Year

Lunar Phase Local Date & Time — Mountain View (America/Los Angeles) UTC Date & Time
Last Quarter January 23, Thu January 24, Fri
New Moon January 30, Thu January 30, Thu
First Quarter February 6, Thu February 6, Thu
Full Moon February 14, Fri February 14, Fri

When was the full moon in October of 2014?

Full Moon is the lunar phase on 8 October 2014, Wednesday . Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 100%. The 15 days old Moon is in ♈ Aries.

What was the Moon on June 13 2014?

APOD: 2014 June 13 – A Strawberry Moon.

When was the full moon April 2014?

Full Moon is the lunar phase on 15 April 2014, Tuesday . Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 100%. The 15 days old Moon is in ♎ Libra. * The exact date and time of this Full Moon phase is on 15 April 2014 at 07:42 UTC.

What was the Moon phase on May 12 2014?

Waxing Gibbous is the lunar phase on 12 May 2014, Monday . Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 94% and growing larger. The 12 days young Moon is in ♎ Libra.

What are the odds of a full moon on Friday the 13th?

Then, to get the odds of a year having this happen, you multiply by 365.25 — so the odds of a year having a Friday the 13th full moon are just 5.81 percent. That means it happens, on average, every 20 years or so. Of course, this is just an average probability — sometimes it’ll happen more often, and sometimes less.

What did the Moon look like on 13th June 1999?

Moon Phase for Sunday Jun 13th, 1999 The current moon phase for June 13th, 1999 is the New Moon phase. On this day, the moon is -0.31 days old and 0.48% illuminated with a tilt of -64.645°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 358,244.67 km and the moon sign is Gemini.