What was the average Internet speed in 2009?
What was the average Internet speed in 2009?
around 5 Mbps
Average internet speeds in American homes grew from around 5 Mbps in 2009 to 96.25 Mbps in 2018, according to Ookla, the company behind internet speed-testing site Speedtest.net.
How many MP is fast internet?
To help you decide what the “best” speed is for your household, consider how many people and devices will be using the connection at once and how it will be used. One generally accepted rule of thumb is that anything above 100 Mbps is considered “fast” internet because it can connect multiple devices at once.
Is 13 a good Internet speed?
6-10 mbps: Usually an excellent Web surfing experience. Generally quick enough to stream a 1080p (high-def) video. 10-20 mbps: More appropriate for a “super user” who wants a reliable experience to stream content and/or make fast downloads.
Is there a link between social media and voter turnout?
Our results suggest that the Facebook social message increased turnout directly by about 60,000 voters and indirectly through social contagion by another 280,000 voters, for a total of 340,000 additional votes. That represents about 0.14% of the voting age population of about 236 million in 2010.
How fast was WIFI in 2010?
Akamai reported that average broadband speeds in the U.S. were up by 9.2 percent in fourth quarter of 2010, on a year-over-year basis, hitting 5.1 Mbps.
What was the average internet speed in 2007?
In 2007, the U.S. download speed was 3.5 mbps, inching up only 1.6 mbps since then. At that rate, notes the report, it will take the U.S. 15 years to catch up with South Korea. The CWA’s 2009 Report on Internet Speeds also compared Internet performance throughout all 50 U.S. states.
How did social media affect the 2016 election?
Throughout the 2016 election, the Internet Research Agency attempted to influence the electoral outcome in favor of Donald Trump by creating large numbers of social media accounts to like, share and repost positive information on Trump and negative information on Clinton.
How does internet access affect political participation quizlet?
How does internet access affect political participation? Internet users tend to be more informed about political issues, as well as more likely to vote and engage in political discussion.