What was Oscorp doing with spiders?

Biological weapons Richard intended for the spiders to help heal people from diseases and injury by passing the spider’s healing factor and Immunity responses to humans, but Oscorp was going to weaponize it and create spider-soldiers for the highest bidder.

What is the formula for web fluid?

Fibroin consists of approximately 42% glycine (CH2-COOH) and 25% alanine (C3H7NO2) as the major amino acids. There’s never been a definiitive mainstream; to how he derived the formula for his webbing. In the Mainstream marvel (Earth-616) it was derived by peter himself.

What disease did Green Goblin have?

Retroviral Hypodysplasia
Norman Osborn’s clawed hands as a results of the goblin disease. Goblin Disease is a rare, genetic, incurable disease which the character Harry Osborn is diagnosed with and was passed onto him by his father, Norman Osborn, who died from it.

Why does Norman Osborn have lizard hands?

Little is known of Norman Osborn, other than that he had a debilitating disease called ‘Retroviral Hypodysplasia’ which killed him. Dr. Curt Connors’ and Dr. Rajit Ratha’s experiments with lizard DNA were an attempt to cure him, until Connors used the serum on himself, transforming into the monstrous Lizard.

Why does Tobey have organic web shooters?

In the original comics, Stan Lee made Spidey’s webs a gadget because he thought a superpower of shooting chemicals was simply too weird (and maybe too icky)—though he later wished he’d done it or something even weirder. So the mechanical web-shooters are Spidey canon for most versions, including most movies.

Is Spider-Man web fluid possible?

The material strengths don’t scale the same so Spiderman would need to use more mass compared to his body weight to create usable lines than a regular spider would. He would probably require back-mounted tanks of web fluid. Grasping the line would become an issue.