What was Haim Ginott theory?

Haim Ginott believes that effective classroom management depends a lot on the way in which the teacher interacts with students. It is believed that the teacher is a decisive element in the classroom, who can shape students in anyway depending on the teacher’s behaviour.

What are congruent communication strategies?

Congruence simply means that all aspects of your communication, your passion, your message and what you are saying, all line up. Your body language, gestures and nonverbal communication line up with what you are saying. Your passion and energy are appropriate. Your values, beliefs and behaviours are empathetic.

What is the Glasser Model?

William Glasser coined the term “choice theory” in 1998. In general, this theory states that all we do is behave. Glasser suggests that almost all behavior is chosen, and we are driven by genetics to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun.

What is Meutic theory of teaching?

NO.: E201/PU/1604/13 DATE OF SUBMISSION: Monday, 23rd of March, 2015 Meutic Theory of teaching Introduction A theory of teaching is a set of interrelated constructs, definitions, propositions which present a systematic view of teaching by specifying relations among variables with the purpose of explaining and …

What does congruent communication mean?

Congruent Communication: A communication pattern in which the person sends the same message on both verbal and nonverbal levels. The term congruence is most often used in geometry. It means agreement and alignment. We can also be congruent in our communication.

What are the communication theories?

Communication theories refer to three things; a sender, a message and a receiver. It can take the form of one human being and the perceived environment through messages in the form of signs, symbols and thought (Mowlana, 2018).

Why is congruent communication important?

Congruent Communication allows you to much more effectively deliver your message, dramatically reduces the likelihood it’ll be misunderstood, and subconsciously builds massive trust with those you interact with.

What is congruent communication in nursing?

Congruent communication is when a person’s verbal communication is aligned with a person’s non-verbal communication. A health care worker should always communicate in a congruent way with patients. A therapeutic relationship is built on congruent communication that remains patient-centered.

What are the five basic needs according to Glasser explain each by giving examples?

Developed by psychiatrist William Glasser, Choice Theory states humans are motivated by a never-ending quest to satisfy 5 basic needs woven into our genes: to love and belong, to be powerful, to be free, to have fun and to survive. Specifically: Survival, belonging, power, freedom, and fun.

How do you use choice theory?

Classrooms and schools that apply Choice Theory share the following 3 characteristics:

  1. Coercion is minimized. Rather than trying to “make” students behave by using rewards and punishments, teachers build positive relationships with their students, managing them without coercion.
  2. Focus on quality.
  3. Self-evaluation.

What is Andragogical approach to teaching?

Andragogy, or Adult Learning Theory, is a theory developed by Malcolm Knowles that is based on a self-directed, independent learning method for adults. This theory asserts that learning programs must support the notion that adults are self-driven and take responsibility for decisions.

What is Connectivism theory in education?

Connectivism is a relatively new learning theory that suggests students should combine thoughts, theories, and general information in a useful manner. It accepts that technology is a major part of the learning process and that our constant connectedness gives us opportunities to make choices about our learning.