What was Andy Kaufman cause of death?

Large-cell lung carcinomaAndy Kaufman / Cause of deathLarge-cell carcinoma is a heterogeneous group of undifferentiated malignant neoplasms that lack the cytologic and architectural features of small cell carcinoma and glandular or squamous differentiation. LCC is categorized as a type of NSCLC which originates from epithelial cells of the lung. Wikipedia

Does Andy Kaufman have a daughter?

Maria ColonnaAndy Kaufman / Daughter

Does Andy Kaufman have a brother?

Michael KaufmanAndy Kaufman / Brother

Where is Andy Kaufman grave?

Beth David Cemetery, Elmont, NYAndy Kaufman / Place of burialBeth David Cemetery is a Jewish cemetery located at 300 Elmont Road in Elmont, New York. The cemetery was established in 1917. As of 2012, there were approximately 245,000 burials in the cemetery. Wikipedia

How much money did Andy Kaufman make?

Andy Kaufman net worth: Andy Kaufman was an American entertainer, actor, and performance artist who had a net worth equal to$3 million at the time of his death (after adjusting for inflation)….Andy Kaufman Net Worth.

Net Worth: $3 Million
Date of Birth: Jan 17, 1949 – May 16, 1984 (35 years old)
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft (1.85 m)

Who played Tony Clifton after Andy died?

According to Jim Carrey as stated in A Comedy Salute to Andy Kaufman (1995), Kaufman created and originally played the “Tony Clifton” character. The secret kept for 15 years (according to Carrey) was that he did so only briefly and the character was soon passed off to Bob Zmuda (Kaufman’s writer).

Who was Andy kaufmans girlfriend?

Lynne Margulies
In 2014, Zmuda and Lynne Margulies, Kaufman’s girlfriend at the time of his death, coauthored Andy Kaufman: The Truth, Finally, a book claiming that Kaufman’s death was indeed a prank, and that he would soon be revealing himself, as his upper limit on the “prank” was 30 years.

Who is Andy Kaufman’s wife?

Television. Kane portrayed Simka Dahblitz-Gravas, wife of Latka Gravas (Andy Kaufman), on the American television series Taxi from 1981 to 1983.

Is Tony Clifton really Andy Kaufman?

Tony Clifton is a character created by comedian and performance artist Andy Kaufman in the late 1970s. An absurdly foul-mouthed and domineering lounge singer claiming to hail from Las Vegas, the tuxedo-clad Clifton often led unsuspecting audiences through awkward yet elaborate lounge singer performances.

Was Kaufman Lawler or Letterler real?

Many years after Kaufman and Lawler appeared on “Late Night,” Lawler revealed their feud was entirely staged and that the pair were actually close friends, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Who really played Tony Clifton?

Crazy Credits (6) The credits lists Tony Clifton as himself. Tony Clifton was a character created by Andy Kaufman, and was portrayed by Andy or Bob Zmuda in real life (and by Jim Carrey in the movie).