What vegetables can you grow in the fall in Arkansas?

Direct sow: carrots, radishes, parsnips, turnips, spinach, and salad mix. Transplants: broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, collards. Scallions do much better as transplants but need about six weeks before moving to the garden.

What vegetables can I plant in August in Arkansas?

Arkansas Gardening: Veggies to Plant in August

  • Beans.
  • Beets.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage plants.
  • Carrots.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Collards.
  • Corn.

Can you plant a fall garden in October?

If you live in a frost-free region, October is a great time to plant cool-weather flowers and vegetables in your garden. Crops such as kale, cabbage, collards, lettuce, carrots, mustard, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, beets, and garlic can all be planted in early to late October.

What vegetables grow in winter in Arkansas?

As cool season vegetables play out, replant with warm-season crops. Now is a great time to begin planting winter squash, pumpkins and gourds, okra, and southern peas. You can also still plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and watermelons.

Can I plant tomatoes in August in Arkansas?

Tomatoes can be planted in early April in south Arkansas, mid-April in central Arkansas and late April in the northern tier. Continue to plant tomatoes throughout the summer to ensure harvest well into fall. When you are preparing the beds for planting, broadcast a general-purpose fertilizer.

When should I plant my winter garden?

Winter vegetables need a solid start before winter arrives, because once cold, dark days settle in, plants won’t grow gangbusters, like they do in the summer months. The general rule of thumb for planting a winter vegetable garden in Zones 7 to 10 is to plant during October.

When should I plant fall vegetables?

Mid-to-late summer is the time to plant fall-harvested vegetables in your vegetable garden. Many spring-harvested vegetables can also get a second chance in fall, and some are even better when matured in cooler temperatures later in the year.

Can you garden year round in Arkansas?

There is time to replant some summer vegetables and time to get started with the cool-season crops. With just a little care, we can now grow vegetables year-round in Arkansas. Some nurseries and garden centers have had vegetable transplants all summer, but others should be receiving more in the next few weeks.

Can I plant anything in November?

Vegetables to plant in November: Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, kale, kohlrabi, onions (seed & sets), radishes, spinach and strawberries. Vegetables to plant in December: Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, onions (seed & sets) and radishes. All of these recommended planting dates are approximate.

What plants should be planted in October?

What to Plant in October

  • Root vegetables: Plant beets, radishes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, and rutabaga from seed this month.
  • Leafy greens and Brassicas: Lettuces, spinach, and Swiss chard can be planted from seed or from transplant this month.

What can you plant in a fall garden in Arkansas?

Plant seeds of lettuce, spinach, radish, turnips, etc. later this month and again early to mid-September for fresh greens beyond first frost. Sow seeds of radish, lettuce, spinach and other greens in a cold frame to prolong fall harvests well after the first frost.