What unit is SUS?

Saybolt Universal Seconds
Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS), which is the time in seconds for 60 milliliters of oil to flow through a standard orifice at a given temperature.

How do you convert sus to cSt?

Multiply the cSt value by 4.664 if the test temperature was 210 F. The result is the cSt value converted to SUS. For example: 100 cSt tested at 210 F is equivalent to 466.4 SUS because 100 x 4.664 = 466.4.

What is Saybolt Furol viscosity?

Saybolt Furol viscosity – the efflux time in seconds required for 60 milliliters of a petroleum product to flow through the calibrated orifice of a Saybolt Purol viscometer, under carefully controlled temperature, as prescribed by test method ASTM D 88.

Is SSU the same as SUS?

Viscosity—Because an oil’s viscosity changes with temperature, it is always expressed at a reference temperature, usually 100° and 210° F. The most common unit in the United States is the Sabolt Universal Seconds (SUS) or Sabolt Seconds Universal (SSU), which is measured with a Saybolt Viscosimeter.

What is cSt in viscosity measurement?

A centistokes (cSt) is a decimal fraction of the CGS unit of kinematic viscosity stokes, which is equal to centimeter per second (cm²/s). 1 stokes is a kinematic viscosity of a fluid with a density of 1 g/cm³ and a dynamic viscosity of 1 poise.

What does Furol mean?

FUROL is an acronym for fuel and road oil. Saybolt universal viscosity is specified by the ASTM D2161. Both tests are considered obsolete to other measures of kinematic viscosity, but their results are quoted widely in technical literature.

What is a poise equal to?

A poise is the centimetre-gram-second (cgs) unit of viscosity. It expresses the force needed to maintain a unit… In gas: Viscosity. …still often used is the poise (1 Pa · s = 10 poise). At 20° C the viscosity of water is 1.0 × 10-3 Pa · s and that of air is 1.8 × 10-5 Pa · s.

What is viscosity units?

What is the unit of viscosity? The unit of viscosity is newton-second per square metre, which is usually expressed as pascal-second in SI units.

What does sus mean for hydraulic oil?

Hydraulic oils thickness is specified by a SUS or SSU designation, similar to the SAE designation used for automotive fluids. SUS stands for Saybolt Universal Seconds (or as some put it, Saybolt Seconds Universal). It is a measuring system set up by a man named Saybolt.