What type of swabs are needed to test for influenza?

A nasopharyngeal (NP) swab is the optimal upper respiratory tract specimen collection method for influenza testing.

What specimen specimens should be collected from a patient with suspected influenza?

Preferred respiratory specimens for influenza virus testing include a nasopharyngeal or nasal swab, or a nasal wash or aspirate. Nasal and throat swabs combined in the same specimen increases detection of influenza viruses than either specimen type alone.

How do you collect a viral sample?

Collect 8-10 ml in an anticoagulant tube (viral transport is not required)….

  1. Pass a flexible, fine shafted swab into the nostril.
  2. Rotate slowly for 5 seconds to absorb secretions.
  3. Remove swab and place in UTMa.
  4. Repeat for other nostril using a fresh swab. Place both swabs in the same transport tube.

What are flu swabs made of?

Ideally, swab specimens should be collected using swabs with a synthetic tip (e.g., polyester or Dacron®) and an aluminum or plastic shaft. Swabs with cotton tips and wooden shafts are not recommended. Specimens collected with swabs made of calcium alginate are not acceptable.

How is influenza diagnosed?

To diagnose the flu, health care providers will first do a medical history and ask about your symptoms. There are several tests for the flu. For the tests, your provider will swipe the inside of your nose or the back of your throat with a swab. Then the swab will be tested for the flu virus.

How is a flu test performed?

These tests include reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), viral culture, and immunofluorescence assays. All of require that a health care provider swipe the inside of your nose or the back of your throat with a swab and then send the swab for testing. Results may take one to several hours.

What sample is used for viral load?

As the starting point for viral load (VL) monitoring, properly collecting samples is key. The quality of the result produced depends on the quality of the sample sent. When we discuss VL sample collection, there are two types of samples that are used—plasma and dried blood spot (DBS).

Are flu swabs sterile?

Sterilization is an important part of medical device manufacturing. And even single-use products like swabs go through a highly effective sterilization process to ensure they pose negligible health risks to patients.

How does a flu swab work?

RIDTs, also called flu antigen tests, are the most common type of flu test. They can identify the presence of influenza A and B, and they work by detecting the parts of the flu virus called antigens that trigger an immune response. RIDTs usually involve inserting a swab into your nostril to get a sample.

How accurate is the flu swab?

Accuracy of rapid flu tests can range anywhere from 50% to 90%, depending on the test, the individual, and the prevalence of the flu in the community.