What type of stomach cancer is hereditary?

About 1% to 3% of stomach (gastric) cancers are hereditary diffuse gastric cancers (HDGC). The disorder is caused by mutation in the CDH1 gene. HDGC is an inherited cancer syndrome that leads to an increased risk for both diffuse stomach cancer and lobular breast cancer.

What is diffuse type gastric cancer?

Diffuse gastric cancer is a specific type of stomach cancer, sometimes also called “signet ring cell gastric cancer” or “linitis plastic.” The word “diffuse” is used because this cancer tends to affect much of the stomach, rather than staying in 1 area of the stomach.

Is hereditary diffuse gastric cancer autosomal dominant?

(See “Gastric cancer: Pathology and molecular pathogenesis” and “Surgical management of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer”.) HDGC is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with high penetrance.

What is the difference between diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer?

Background: There are two distinct types of gastric carcinoma (GC), intestinal, more frequently sporadic and linked to environmental factors, and diffuse (undifferentiated) that is highly metastatic and characterized by rapid disease progression and a poor prognosis.

What are symptoms of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer?

Symptoms of diffuse gastric cancer occur late in the disease and can include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), decreased appetite, and weight loss.

What cancers are hereditary?

This inherited risk for cancer is caused by a small change (called a mutation) in a gene, which can be passed from one generation to the next in a family….Some cancers that can be hereditary are:

  • Breast cancer.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Prostate cancer.
  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Uterine cancer.
  • Melanoma (a type of skin cancer)
  • Pancreatic cancer.

How common is diffuse gastric cancer?

HDGC makes up only about 1% to 3% of all stomach cancer cases. Most patients with HDGC are diagnosed before the age of 40.

Is stomach cancer hereditary from parents?

Some people inherit gene mutations (changes) from their parents that lead to conditions that can raise their risk of stomach cancer. These inherited syndromes account for only a small percentage of stomach cancers worldwide.

What type of gastric cancer has favorable prognosis?

The prognosis of early gastric carcinoma is excellent, with a 5 years survival rate as high as 90% (14). In contrast, the advanced gastric carcinoma which invades into muscularispropria or beyond carries a much worse prognosis, with a 5 years survival rate at about 60% or less (15).

How long does it take for gastric cancer to develop?

The stomach is one part of the digestive tract that digests food and moves nutrients through the gut to the small intestine. Since this type of cancer is typically slow-growing, it can take years to develop.

How is diffuse gastric cancer treated?

Surgery: Surgery is most commonly used to remove the stomach to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Usually, the entire stomach is removed to prevent the cancer from growing and spreading. Chemotherapy: When surgery is not possible or when the cancer has spread, chemotherapy is used to treat HDGC.