What type of memory does the Y maze test?
What type of memory does the Y maze test?
spatial working memory
The Y-maze can be used to assess short term memory in mice. Spontaneous alternation, a measure of spatial working memory, can be assessed by allowing mice to explore all three arms of the maze and is driven by an innate curiosity of rodents to explore previously unvisited areas.
What does the Y maze measure?
Y Maze Spontaneous Alternation is a behavioral test for measuring the willingness of rodents to explore new environments. Rodents typically prefer to investigate a new arm of the maze rather than returning to one that was previously visited.
How do you analyze Y maze data?
To test this, one arm of the Y-Maze is blocked off and the animal is allowed to explore the other two arms. The animal’s memory function is tested when the animal is returned to the maze with all arms open and monitored for the tendency to spend time in the new arm or the known arms.
What is the meaning of spatial memory?
spatial memory, storage and retrieval of information within the brain that is needed both to plan a route to a desired location and to remember where an object is located or where an event occurred.
What is novel object recognition test?
The Novel Object Recognition (NOR) task is used to evaluate cognition, particularly recognition memory, in rodent models of CNS disorders. This test is based on the spontaneous tendency of rodents to spend more time exploring a novel object than a familiar one.
What part of brain controls spatial memory?
The hippocampus and medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are key brain areas for spatial learning and memory. Place cells in hippocampus fire whenever an animal is located in a specific region in the environment.
Where is spatial memory?
The perirhinal cortex is associated with both spatial reference and spatial working memory. It processes relational information of environmental cues and locations.
Which part of the brain is responsible for working memory?
the prefrontal cortex
The central executive, which is the master component of Baddeley’s working memory model and is thought to be a function of the prefrontal cortex, controls the performance of other components by allocating a limited capacity of memory resource to each component based on its demand.
What is the distinct difference between elevated plus maze and elevated zero maze?
The main difference in the Zero is that it removes the center region found in the Plus. Depending on treatment, animals tested here in the Plus spent 13% to 30% of their test time in the center, thereby decreasing the time spent in open or closed areas by 39–90 s of the total 300 s test session.