What type of character is Brighella?

Brighella, stock character of the Italian commedia dell’arte; a roguish, quick-witted, opportunistic, and sometimes lascivious and cruel figure.

How does brighella move commedia dell arte?

MOVEMENT: Brighella’s weight is placed on a bent leg. The other is extended, lightly touching the ground. His elbows are up with his hands spread out. Whether or not he is moving, his feet are constantly moving, dancing back and forth.

What is commedia dell’arte known for?

The commedia dell’arte was a form of popular theatre that emphasized ensemble acting; its improvisations were set in a firm framework of masks and stock situations, and its plots were frequently borrowed from the classical literary tradition of the commedia erudita, or literary drama.

How does Brighella move commedia dell arte?

What is Pulcinella personality?

Pulcinella is a dualistic character: he either plays dumb, though he is very much aware of the situation, or he acts as though he is the most intelligent and competent, despite being woefully ignorant. He is incessantly trying to rise above his station, though he does not intend to work for it.

What is the role of Brighella in the story?

Brighella is a cunning and anxious “butler” who’s main role is to welcome his masters and guests. Although his is extremely cunning, he often falls in love with other characters and is tempted from his duties

What is Brighella’s back like?

Like Arlecchino, his back is curved at the lumbar region. When Brighella walks, his head stays in place, but his legs come up to the side and his torso sways from side to side.

What are the characteristics of Brighella and Figaro?

Pierre Louis Duchartre, in his The Italian Comedy, theorizes that in France, the gentrified Brighella eventually culminated in the character of Figaro, known from the plays and operas. Brighella is a masterful liar, and can make up a spur-of-the moment lie for any situation. He is an inveterate schemer, and he is good at what he does.

How is Brighella like Arlecchino?

Like Arlecchino, his back is curved at the lumbar region. When Brighella walks, his head stays in place, but his legs come up to the side and his torso sways from side to side. It is a very soft walk, similar to tip-toeing, the difference being that his legs are spread.