What two snakes make a blue eyed Lucy?

The Blue Eyed Lucy can be made using this gene and crossing it to anything from a Lesser and Butter to Mochas and Russos. You can make a BEL by breeding two Mojaves together but the Super Mojave Ball will have a grey colored head and neck, which may defeat the purpose.

What is a blue eyed Lucy?

The blue eyed lucy is one of the rarest Ball Python morphs and is a prized reptile. Known as the BEL ball python it is a beautiful white snake with icy blue irises around black pupils. Some even have a beige stripe along the spine.

How rare are blue eyed Lucy ball python?

Captive-bred blue eyed leucistic ball pythons were once rare, but breeders now understand the genetics of this morph. BEL ball pythons are now quite common, though they are still one of the more expensive morphs. Babies sell for anywhere between $400 and $1,000 depending on their color and size.

What is a Butter ball python?

The Butter Ball Python is a nice looking snake with soft coloration. Their base color is a caramel brown with soft yellow or gold markings. Black scales often surround the markings which makes the patterning really stand out. The super form of the Butter gene creates a Blue Eyed Leucistic.

Can you breed a blue eyed Leucistic ball python?

Blue Eyed Leucistic ball pythons are rare and difficult to produce. When you breed the right two snakes together, each egg laid only has a 25% chance of hatching a BEL ball python. Further, while some ball python breeds can produce BEL ball pythons when bred together, they may not produce a pure white BEL.

What is fire ball python?

The Fire Ball Python Morph is a popular Ball Python morph that was first proven out in 1995. It is a co-dominant mutation. This is similar to a dominant mutation, only that there is a Super form of the Fire morph if two of the alleles contain the mutation.