What tribe is Noel Pearson from?

An Aboriginal activist and respected community leader, Noel Pearson came from the Guugu Yimithirr Aboriginal community at Hope Vale, a Lutheran Mission on Cape York Peninsula.

What did Noel Pearson do?

Noel has been strongly involved in campaigning for the rights of Cape York Aboriginal people and played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Cape York Land Council in 1990. He also worked on both Native title cases including the historic WIK decision.

Who discovered Cape York?

Discovered (1606) by the Spanish mariner Luis Vaez de Torres, its existence was kept secret until 1764. The second European to sail the strait (1774) was Capt. James Cook. The Australia–Papua New Guinea boundary is about 3 mi from the New Guinea shore.

When was Noel Pearson born?

June 25, 1965 (age 56 years)Noel Pearson / Date of birth
Noel Pearson (born 25 June 1965) is an Australian lawyer, academic, land rights activist and founder of the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership, an organisation promoting the economic and social development of Cape York.

Who was Noel Pearson?

Noel Pearson (born 25 June 1965) is an Australian lawyer, academic, land rights activist and founder of the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership, an organisation promoting the economic and social development of Cape York.

What did Shirley Colleen Smith do?

(p. 66) Mum Shirl increasingly became involved in the service provision and political activism in Redfern. Her work included helping to establish the Aboriginal Legal Service, the Aboriginal Medical Service, and the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.

Who are the traditional owners of Cape York?

The Kowanyama People’s hold native title rights over about 2,731sq km of land and waters in southwestern Cape York.

Who are the indigenous people of Cape York?

The Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) is made up of five indigenous communities, settled by clans from across Cape York and the Torres Strait. There are three aboriginal comunities; Injinoo, Umagico and New Mapoon, and two Saibai Islander communities; Seisia and Bamaga.

Who is the man on the $2 coin?

Gwoya Jungarai
The man on the 2 dollar coin name is Gwoya Jungarai and he was one of the only survivors of one of the last recognised massacres of Aboriginal people, the 1928 Coniston Massacre in Central Australia.

What was Faith Bandler famous for?

Faith Bandler is well known for her active role in publicising the YES case for the Aboriginal question in the 1967 Referendum. She was born in northern New South Wales in 1919, one of eight children.