What to text your girlfriend when you miss her?

Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

  • I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • You’ll always be my girl.
  • Since the day I met you, my life has never been the same.
  • I love making you laugh.
  • I love you more than pepperoni pizza.
  • You’re my dream girl.
  • You ground me.

How do I say I miss you to my girlfriend?

Cute Ways To Say “I Miss You”

  1. I wish you were here.
  2. I think about you all the time.
  3. I see you everywhere around me.
  4. When will I see you again?
  5. I’m counting the days by minutes.
  6. I can’t stop thinking about you.
  7. I can’t wait to be with you again.
  8. I can feel your breath on my neck.

How do you say I miss you in a text message?

Here are some ways to say it.

  1. Hey, I miss your face.
  2. Just checking in to let you know I’m thinking of you and I miss you!
  3. I just saw the picture you posted on Instagram and it made me miss you!
  4. Hey, friend!
  5. I saw your no RSVP to [someone’s event] and I’m so sad you won’t be there!

How do I show my girlfriend I care over text?

How to Make a Girl Feel Special Through Text

  1. 1 Bring up one of her favorite topics.
  2. 2 Give her a compliment that’s not about her looks.
  3. 3 Make a list of reasons why she’s amazing.
  4. 4 Tell her you can’t stop thinking about her.
  5. 5 Send her a supportive message.
  6. 6 Bring up your favorite memory of her.

How do I say cute to my girlfriend?

Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

  • Adventures with you are my favorite.
  • You make the world so much more beautiful.
  • I’m in awe of what a wonderful person you are.
  • You inspire me to be a better man.
  • You are my lucky charm.
  • I appreciate that you _____.
  • If you let me, I would hold you forever.

How do I make her blush?

Give her an unexpected compliment. This is the simplest, most direct way to make a girl blush. Almost everyone appreciates a good compliment. If you choose the right words — walking the thin line between sincere and funny — she just might blush.