What to do if someone accidentally touches the elf on the shelf?

This is the most effective way to help your Scout Elf get back in action quick! Sprinkle a little cinnamon next to your Scout Elf. Cinnamon is like vitamins for your elf, and it will help him or her get back to the North Pole where the elf doctors can give them a quick check-up!

Can your mom and dad touch the elf on the shelf?

Santa advises that no family member touch their Elf on the Shelf, but he does describe a few rare instances when an adult may use tongs or potholders to help an elf in an urgent situation. Parents: read on to learn about special, few and far between cases where emergency help will be required.

Can you touch the elf on the shelf on the 24th?

The first and most important rule is that you must NOT touch your Elf. If you do, they will lose all their magic – and nobody wants that to happen. When scout elves lose their magic, they can’t go about their Christmas duties.

How do you get your elf back?

Keep it simple. Grab a little card or piece of scrap paper and write “I’m back!” Or use a dry-erase maker to write “Did you miss me?” on a mirror. Plop that little elf in front of it and ignore it until your kids discover that their elf has magically returned.

What to do if your child sees you move the elf?

How to Answer When Your Child Asks if You Moved the Elf on the Shelf

  1. Act just as confused as your child. Say something like “I don’t know…
  2. Be honest with your child.
  3. RELATED RESOURCES: Holidays and Elf on The Shelf.

How do you introduce the elf on the shelf for the first time?

Explain in the letter why he/she is coming to their house and what he is going to do. Grab the awesome Elf on the Welcome Shelf Letter that you can print out. Read the Elf on the Shelf Book. Once your elf arrives read the book to your kids, the book tells the whole story about the Elf.