What to do after beating KH Final Mix?

The Best Things To Do After Beating Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix Collect Every Dalmatian: There are 99 Puppies scattered around the world. Locate them all for neat rewards. Collect Every Trinity: Trinity Marks of all colors are found within each world. Check-in Jiminy’s Journal to see which one you are missing.

Can you play kh1 after beating it?

You basically continue on from the game at the save point before the final fight. So no matter what you can beat the game numerous times. And always be able to travel around the worlds and compete in side quests, train etc.

What does kh3 ending mean?

Seeing as Kairi appears to be alive as per the ending movie, perhaps Sora had to sacrifice himself to save her, which has pushed him into this new world. Riku, after an unseen rendezvous with Namine, has gone after Sora, supposedly to rescue him, and has landed in the world of Verum Rex.

How many endings are in Kingdom Hearts 3?

two Kingdom Hearts
Such is the Kingdom Hearts way. There are two Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind endings; a “good” one and a “bad” one, and they hinge on whether or not you defeat the secret boss.

Is Kingdom Hearts 2 easier than 1?

Kingdom Hearts 1 is waay more harder then Kingdom Hearts 2, like in 2 everything is handed to you on a silver platter but KH1 it is tedious bosses and heartless both.

Is there a post game in kh2?

While the original version of Kingdom Hearts 2 did have a few things to complete after the credits rolled, the vast majority of post game content was added in with the re-release of the game, Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.

Who is the lost master?

Theory D: The Lost Master is Yozora Yozora was first introduced as a fictional character within the realm of Toy Story, but it was quickly revealed over the events of Kingdom Hearts 3 that not only was Yozora real, he was also very powerful.

Is Donald dead KH3?

All the guardians of light get swept away from a massive Demon Tide and Donald loses his heart from it, but Sora is able to save his heart as well as the other guardians of light that fell in battle.

Who is Chirithy waiting for?

After Sora completes himself, Chirithy encourages Sora to use the Power of Waking to return to the real world. Sora suggests that Chirithy find her own pieces, to which Chirithy tells him she doesn’t work the same way, and that she is waiting for somebody – though she laments that the person doesn’t remember the past.