What time of year do you cut back rhododendrons?

Sometimes large, long-established rhododendrons have to be moved. This is a sizeable but relatively simple job. For best results, it should be done in the fall or in early spring before new growth begins. The roots are cut back (pruned) with a sharp shovel, leaving a wide but shallow pad of roots and soil.

Can you cut a rhododendron all the way back?

Don’t worry about cutting back too much. Rhododendrons are forgiving shrubs that usually grow back better than new, even when you cut them back to a 6-inch stub.

How much can you cut back a rhododendron?

Plan to cut back about 10% of the plant every year. Cut back select branches to a growth point low down in the plant. Cut back other branches to growth points at various heights. You can see where the potential growth points are by determining where one year’s growth ends and another begins, even on old wood.

Is it necessary to deadhead rhododendrons?

Deadheading prevents the flowers from going to seed and rhododendrons should be deadheaded too in order to give the plant energy for more flower production next year. Deadheading will also give your rhododendron a tidier appearance until next year’s flowering period.

Can rhododendrons be cut back hard?

Should you have an old, established rhododendron that needs to be given a new lease of life, heavy pruning is possible. Choose a frost-free day in February or March and cut back branches hard to one of the tiny, dormant buds. If necessary, you can coppice the plant down to around 150cm tall.

Can rhododendrons be hard pruned?

How do I make my rhododendron thicker?

PRUNING RHODODENDRONS BY PINCHING BACK NEW GROWTH The final thing you want to do is to pinch or snap off the new growth back when it’s a couple of inches long. This is the key step to developing the dense bushy plant that you are after. These plants often send out a single long new shoots with no branching.

When should I cut back my garden for winter?

The best time to prune is after flowering. If the plant needs to be renovated, or severely reduced, this can be done late winter and early spring just before growth begins. Remove old flowers (deadhead) and cut back to healthy outward facing buds.