What time is the SEC filing deadline?

If a filing is submitted after 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, it will not be deemed filed with the SEC until the following business day (except for filings made pursuant to Rule 462(b) and Section 16 filings, which will receive the date of the actual filing if filed by 10:00 pm Eastern Time).

Is 10-K filed with SEC?

Key Takeaways. A 10-K is a comprehensive report filed annually by public companies about their financial performance. The report is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is far more detailed than the annual report.

How long do you have to file a 10-Q?

Companies must file their 10-Qs 40 or 45 days after the end of their quarters, depending on the size of their public float.

Are all companies required to file a 10-K with the SEC?

Annual and Quarterly Reports SEC rules require your company to file annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q with the SEC on an ongoing basis. These reports require much of the same information about the company as is required in a registration statement for a public offering.

What are the filing deadlines for Form 10 K and Form 10-Q?

Form 10-Q

Category of Filer Revised Deadlines For Filing Periodic Reports
Form 10-K Deadline Form 10-Q Deadline
Large Accelerated Filer ($700MM or more) 60 days 40 days
Accelerated Filer ($75MM or more and less than $700MM) 75 days 40 days
Non-accelerated Filer (less than $75MM) 90 days 45 days

What happens if you file an 8 K late?

Form 8-K Filed Late, SEC Action: Late filing will likely result in administrative action. The severity of the penalties depend on the reason for filing late and when the report was eventually filed. Fines are typical. For severe cases, a company’s Exchange Act registration may be revoked.

What is a q10 report?

Form 10-Q, (also known as a 10-Q or 10Q) is a quarterly report mandated by the United States federal Securities and Exchange Commission, to be filed by publicly traded corporations.

Do all companies need to file with the SEC?

Even if a company doesn’t have to register its securities for an offering, it still may have to file reports with the SEC if the company lists its securities on an exchange or has more than $10 million in assets and a class of equity securities with either 2,000 or more record holders or 500 or more record holders that …

Who needs to file with SEC?

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires public companies, certain company insiders, and broker-dealers to file periodic financial statements and other disclosures. Finance professionals and investors rely on SEC filings to make informed decisions when evaluating whether to invest in a company.