What time is high tide in Whangaparaoa?

Today’s tide times for Whangaparaoa (0 miles from Whangaparaoa) Next high tide in Whangaparaoa is at 10:21 PM, which is in 9 hr 36 min 15 s from now.

What time is the tide in Auckland today?

Sunrise is at 7:12am and sunset is at 5:21pm….Today’s tide times for Auckland: Monday 16 May 2022.

Tide Time (NZST)& Date Height
Low Tide 00:50 AM(Mon 16 May) 1.72 ft (0.52 m)
High Tide 7:07 AM(Mon 16 May) 10.37 ft (3.16 m)
Low Tide 1:11 PM(Mon 16 May) 1.28 ft (0.39 m)
High Tide 7:45 PM(Mon 16 May) 10.66 ft (3.25 m)

Where can I fish in Whangaparaoa?

-heres some for you mate:

  • Orewa Rivermouth – esp for KY.
  • The ledge at Duncansby road (just to the left of Stanmore bay)
  • The grassed area between the Gulf Harbour inlet and the Boat ramp.
  • Army Bay by the Pohutukawas (left of Bay)
  • Waiwera rivermouth for KY.
  • Weiti river jetty for Snaps.

What time is high tide in Orewa today?

Today’s tide times for Weiti River, New Zealand (5 miles from Orewa Beach) Next high tide in Weiti River, New Zealand is at 9:40 AM, which is in 12 hr 16 min 04 s from now.

What is the highest tide in Auckland?


High 11:12 AM 3.20m
Low 5:23 PM 0.60m
High 11:52 PM 3.30m

How big are tides in New Zealand?

The size of spring tides varies around New Zealand, reaching 3.5–4 metres on the west coast, but only 1–2 metres on the east coast (figures 1 and 2). The smallest difference between high and low tides happens just after the first and third quarters of the moon, and are known as neap tides.

Can you fish at Kawakawa Bay?

About Kawakawa Bay Kawakawa Bay is. The most popular species caught here is Australasian snapper. 4 catches are logged on Fishbrain. Please use your best judgement when determining where you can fish, and make sure you follow local regulations.