What time is double decker Chennai to Bangalore?
What time is double decker Chennai to Bangalore?
It leaves Chennai at 07:25 on day 1 and reaches Bangalore at 13:10 on day 1.It takes 5 hrs 45 mins to reach from its source to the destination….Sbc Double Deck -22625 ( Chennai Central to Bangalore Cy Junction )
Station name (code) | Bangarapet (BWT) |
Arrives | 11:33 |
Departs | 11:35 |
Stop time | 2 min |
Distance travelled | 292 km |
Is Double Decker train running from Bangalore to Chennai?
Train number 22626 is a train running between Bangalore and Chennai. Bangalore is located in the state of Karnataka and Chennai is located in the state of Tamil Nadu. The two cities are located at a distance of 362kms….Mas Double Deck -22626 ( Bangalore Cy Junction to Chennai Central )
Station name (code) | Jolarpettai (JTJ) |
Departs | 16:50 |
Stop time | 2 min |
Distance travelled | 149 km |
Day | 1 |
How long is the train journey from Chennai to Bangalore?
The average time taken to connect these cities is 6:1 hours. There are 24 weekly trains and 7 daily trains that run from Chennai to Bangalore , covering the shortest distance of about 286 km by LALBAGH EXPRESS(12607).
Is food provided in double decker train?
Overview of Double Decker Express Trains in India: The express has the capacity to accommodate almost double number of passengers in comparison to other ordinary express trains. It has Wi- Fi based infotainment system, automatic food vending machine along with e-catering service active in these trains.
How many routes are there from Chennai to Bangalore?
two routes
There are two routes between Bengaluru and Chennai – the Hosur-Krishnagiri route and the Hoskote-Chittoor route. The Chittoor route is about 45kms shorter, but the roads are not as wide or as good as the Hosur route.