What time do lectures start at Edinburgh University?

The standard teaching day is from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. It is recognised that learning and teaching sometimes takes place outside of these hours.

What date does Edinburgh University start?

Semester 1

Date Event
20 September 2021 Semester 1 starts / Teaching block 1 starts
22 October 2021 Teaching block 1 ends
25 October 2021 Teaching block 2 starts
27 November – 8 December 2021 Graduations

How many weeks is University of Edinburgh a year?

11 weeks
We offer the programme over an academic year consisting of three blocks of 11 weeks. Each block contains either a single 20 credit course or two 10 credit courses, delivered over 5 or 10 weeks, with a consolidation week in between for independent study.

How many semesters are there in a university year UK?

two semesters
UK universities usually split the academic year into three terms across two semesters. Semester One runs from the start of the new academic year in September, ending before Christmas; Semester Two starts in January and runs until the start of the summer break, which is normally in June.

How long is a university term?

Traditionally, colleges and universities offer three semesters during each academic year: Fall semester – 15 weeks. Spring semester – 15 weeks. Summer semester – 12 weeks.

How many semesters does Edinburgh university have?

Academic year structure The University’s academic year is divided into two semesters. The dates for each academic year are confirmed at least one year in advance.

Do Scottish universities get October holidays?

Most undergraduate degree courses Autumn holiday (for both HN and degree students) is w/c 11 October 2021. Spring holidays are w/c 04 April and 11 April 2022. Download the Academic calendar 2021-22.

Do UK universities have summer break?

UK masters students have holidays throughout the year, including the Christmas, Easter and summer breaks.

How long is a lecture in university?

Lectures act as a starting point for your own research and typically last around 50 minutes.

How long do you stay in college for UK?

three years
Undergraduate courses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are generally three years long and require you to study one subject only, which you will specify in your application.

How long is a college day?

The typical day of classes at college is three hours long. However, students may attend classes for more than or less than three hours depending on their class schedule structure, number of semester credits, average class session length, and number of asynchronous online courses.