What temperature should beef tenderloin be cooked to?

135 to 140 degrees
Ideally beef tenderloin should be cooked at 135 to 140 degrees for perfect flavor and temperature.

How long do I cook beef for medium-rare?

Weigh joint of beef to calculate the cooking time. Allow 20 minutes per 450g for medium, 15 minutes per 450g for medium-rare and 10-15 minutes per 450g for rare. Rub the mustard powder over the meat and season well with salt and plenty of pepper.

How long do you cook a 1 inch tenderloin?

For a 1-inch cut, grill 10 to 12 minutes for medium-rare (145°F) or 12 to 15 minutes for medium (160°F). For a 1½-inch cut, grill 15 to 19 minutes for medium-rare (145°F) or 18 to 23 minutes for medium (160°F). Transfer the meat to a platter.

Where do you put the thermometer in a beef tenderloin?

Insert your thermometer into the thickest part of the tenderloin, watching the temperature readout as you do so. You may notice that the tenderloin reads as hotter when you first insert the thermometer.

What temperature is medium-rare?

Medium Rare (130°-140°F) A “medium rare” steak will be warm in the center. The steak will begin firming up on the exterior, but will remain very soft and tender in the center.

How long do you cook a beef roast at 350 degrees?

Beef Roasting Guide

Type of roast Oven temperature Cooking time
Rump roast Holiday short cut, half 350°F 17-20 mins / lb
Sirloin strip roast Whole 350°F 1½ – 1¾ hours
Sirloin strip roast Half (5-6 lbs) 350°F 1¼ hours
Top sirloin roast Whole 350°F 12-15 mins / lb

How do you cook medium-rare?

A medium-rare steak has a warm, red center that oozes with juicy, beef-forward flavor. You’ve officially reached medium-rare when you hit 130° to 135°F, a temperature at which the proteins within the meat start to denature but can’t fully finish. The result is a steak with the perfect amount of tender chewiness.

What temp is medium-rare?

How long do you let beef tenderloin rest?

Follow this tip: When your tenderloin is done cooking, set it aside in a warm place to rest (a few minutes for steaks; around 10 to 15 minutes for whole tenderloins). This lets the meat relax and gives it a chance to redistribute and reabsorb all the juices.

What temperature do you flip a medium-rare steak?

Use a Thermometer and/or a Timer For a rare steak, remove it at 120-125°F. For a medium-rare steak, remove it at 125-130°F. For a medium steak, remove it at 130-135°F. It’s nearly impossible to get an accurate temperature reading on steaks thinner than 1.5 inches so it’s best to use a timer instead.