What tank is best for GloFish?

Best Glofish Tank

GloFish Crescent Aquarium 5, 10, or 20 gallon aquarium Blue light LED Internal filter
GloFish Aquarium Kit 1.5 or 3 gallon fish tank Blue LED for Glofish Fluorescent look fish
Fluval Sea Evo XII Fish Tank 13.5 gallon fish tank Multifunction canopy 3 stage filtration

What should water levels be for GloFish?


Care difficulty Beginner
Average adult size 1.5–6 inches long, depending on species
Diet Omnivorous
Minimum habitat size 5+ gallons, depending on species
Water temperature 72-82°F

How big of a tank do 5 GloFish need?

Glofish thrive in a group so it is recommended to have at least 5 from the same species. If you plan on getting 5 to 6 Glofish then a 20-gallon tank will be suitable. Keeping them in 3, 5 or 10 gallons of water will result in poor life quality and aggression.

Do GloFish need special tanks?

However, most GloFish are very active and need to be kept in 20- to 40-gallon aquariums or larger. Also, the blue light that comes with GloFish tanks does not grow aquarium plants very well, which means you may need to add lots of aquarium decorations and fake plants to prevent any aggression among your fish.

Do GloFish need a blacklight?

Do GloFish need light at night? No, GloFish do not need a light at nighttime. As with most tropical freshwater fish, GloFish should receive about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, so keeping them in the dark at night is actually ideal.

How warm should a GloFish tank be?

Glofish like a tropical environment with warm water. The temperature should remain between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the hardy glofish can live in temperatures down to 62 degrees. Avoid drastic temperature changes to help prevent stress in your fish, which often leads to illness.

How many GloFish can you have in a 5 gallon tank?

The Number of Glofish per Gallon

Gallons No. of Glofish
5-gallon tank Not recommended (leads to poor health and aggression)
10-gallon tank Not recommended for rainbow shark glofish and tiger barb. Ideal for danio and tetra glofish
20-gallon tank 5-6
30-gallon tank Approximately 9

How many GloFish can fit in a 10 gallon tank?

How many GloFish Rainbow Sharks in a 10 Gallon Tank? Rainbow sharks are larger than the other GloFish species. Since they could potentially grow up to 6 inches long, you can only have two of them at a time. A 10-gallon tank is barely enough for one GloFish rainbow shark, much alone two.

What makes GloFish happy?

Feed your GloFish small amounts of food once or twice a day–only as much as they can consume in 5 minutes. Look for a high-quality tropical fish food. As is true for all aquarium fish, the higher the quality of the diet, the healthier and more colorful your fish will be.