What Sybase Central?

Sybase Central is a graphical tool for managing your database servers, databases, and the objects they contain. From within Sybase Central, you can get additional information about using and configuring Sybase Central by clicking Help ยป Sybase Central.

How do I see all tables in Sybase?

To get all tables, views, and system tables, the following Sybase system stored procedure can be executed.

  1. exec sp_tables ‘%’ To filter by database for tables only, for example master:
  2. exec sp_tables ‘%’, ‘%’, ‘master’, “‘TABLE'”
  3. exec sp_tables ‘%’, ‘dbo’, ‘master’, “‘TABLE'”

Is Sybase still supported?

In June, after prodding and poking from vocal SAP customers and partners, SAP renewed its efforts to reassure that Sybase will still be supported, despite the EoMM dates.

What is a Sybase database?

Sybase is a computer software company that develops and sells database management system (DBMS) and middleware products. The company was founded in 1984, and the headquarters offices are in Emeryville, CA. Sybase was the first enterprise DBMS for the Linux operating system.

What are Sybase products?

Sybase Products

  • Master List.
  • Afaria.
  • Adapter OS/390.
  • Adaptive Server Anywhere. Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere – later versions, see SQL Anywhere.
  • Adaptive Server Enterprise.
  • Advantage Database Server.
  • Answers Anywhere.
  • Appeon for PowerBuilder.

How do I check my Sybase schema?

Viewing a database schema

  1. In Tasks view, the Contents tab in the right pane displays a folder view of database objects.
  2. In Folders view, database objects appear in a hierarchical tree in the left pane.
  3. The Search pane lets you search for items in the object hierarchy.

What is Sybase used for?

Sybase is a computer software company that develops and sells database management system (DBMS) and middleware products.

Who uses Sybase?

Who uses Sybase?

Company Federal Emergency Management Agency
Revenue 100M-200M
Company Size 500-1000
Company Lorven Technologies
Website lorventech.com

How do I connect to a Sybase server?

In the Provider box, select any of the installed providers on the machine to connect to Sybase server. In the Mode box, select either Standard mode or Advanced mode. Use standard mode to specify the server name, port, user name, and password.

What is systypes in SQL Server?

sys.systypes (Transact-SQL) Returns one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type defined in the database. This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead.

What are the different versions of Sybase PowerBuilder?

1 Sybase PowerBuilder Application Server Plugin version 1.x – Free Download Components/ Third Party Terms and Conditions 2 Sybase PowerBuilder Enterprise version 12.0.x – Free Download Components/Third Party Terms and Conditions 3 Sybase PowerBuilder version 12.5.x – Free Download Components/Third Party Terms and Conditions

How do I update the metadata in Sybase?

In Sybase Metadata Explorer, select the check box next to the database or database schema that you want to update. Right-click Databases or the individual database or database schema, and then select Refresh from Database. If you are asked to check the current object, click Yes.