What stock is DRYS?

DRYS Related stocks

Symbol 3M %Chg
DRYS +27.18%
Dryships Inc
ZIM -6.61%
Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd

Who bought drys?

(the “Company”) (NASDAQ: DRYS), a diversified owner and operator of ocean going cargo vessels, today announced the completion of its acquisition by SPII Holdings Inc. (“SPII”), a company that may be deemed to be beneficially owned by the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr.

What happened to DryShips Inc?

DryShips (NASDAQ:DRYS) announces that the acquisition of the company by SPII Holdings has been completed. The company is now effectively owned by Chairman/CEO George Economou.

Which is correct drys or dries?

verb (used without object), dried, dry·ing. to become dry; lose moisture. noun, plural drys, dries [drahyz]. /draɪz/. a prohibitionist.

Is drys a Scrabble word?

DRYS is a valid scrabble word.

Who owns Dry Ships?

Chairman George Economou
It is a Marshall Islands corporation, formed in 2004. On October 11, 2019, it was taken private by CEO and Chairman George Economou. DryShips Inc. As of February 2019, the company is a diversified owner and operator of ocean going cargo vessels that operate worldwide.

What is dry ship?

What is Dry Shipping? Dry shipping is the most trusted and popular form of goods transportation. Dry shipments are held in an enclosed trailer, unlike a flatbed shipment that’s exposed on the back of a truck. This enclosed trailer space also makes dry shipping highly versatile for a number of products.

What are the drys?

From the days of early settlement in the late 1800s, the struggle between the “Drys” — those who sought to ban alcohol — and the “Wets” — those who were in favor — shaped the relationship between the Red River border communities of Fargo and Moorhead.

What are three things the drys thought prohibition would do for America?

They pointed to evidence that alcoholism caused crime, violence, and the breakup of families. “Drys,” as backers of prohibition were known, believed that stopping people from drinking would result in a healthier, happier society. Drys also saw prohibition as a way of taming city life.

What is the plural of dry?

dry. noun. plural drys. Definition of dry (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : the condition of being dry (see dry entry 1) : dryness.

What is the dry bulk market?

Dry Bulk Shipping Market: Introduction Dry bulk shipping is the movement of major commodities carried in bulk, or lot, including iron ore, coal, and grain together with ships carrying steel products including steel plates, steel rods, and iron ore. Lumber or log and other commodities are classified as minor bulks.

What is dry cargo market?

The Dry Cargo market relies on a wide range of vessels and covers all the world’s major trade routes. It is dominated by three core sectors: iron ore and steel related products; coal bound for steel plants and power stations; and food stocks.