What stats should a fury warrior have?

The stat priority for Fury Warrior is:

  • Strength;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Versatility.

How much haste should a fury warrior have?

There are many reasons for aiming for the 20% haste soft cap, such as keeping 100% Enrage uptime during Recklessness and smoothing out the rotation overall. In general the value of haste starts dropping off at 25-30% therefore I would recommend always simming to find the highest value for your current gear.

What stats are good for Warrior?

Therefore, the stat priority for Arms Warrior is:

  • Strength;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery;
  • Versatility.

What is the best covenant for fury Warrior?

The Best Covenants for Fury Warrior are: Kyrian = Necrolord >= Venthyr > Night Fae.

  • Kyrian provides you with Spear of Bastion, which is an extremely powerful crowd-control and burst damage option.
  • Night Fae gives you.
  • Venthyr gives the very popular ability Condemn, which replaces Execute.
  • Necrolord grants you.

How much hit should a fury warrior have TBC?

Hit Rating improves your chance to land most of your abilities. It takes 15.77 Hit Rating to get 1% Hit Chance. The melee Hit Cap is 9%, or 142 Hit Rating.

Is arms or fury better DPS in TBC?

Arms will be the primary spec brought to raids. While fury isn’t terrible – it doesn’t bring dps buffs to other classes and ultimately will be mid to low tier for damage out put until later phases. Personally, back in TBC I primarily played Prot for my guild but would delve into Arms for arenas.

What class is Necrolord best for?

Windwalker Monk Necrolord is the strongest in multi-target like Mythic+ and situations where burst is useful every minute.

How much hit Do Fury Warriors need?

For a Level 60 Warrior to never miss their Activated Abilities, such as Bloodthirst or Execute, it requires both 300 Weapon Skill and 5% Hit Rating. The 5% Hit Rating is required to cover the base Miss Rate.