What state has the highest high school graduation rate?

Here are the 10 states with the highest high school graduation rates:

  • Montana (94.00%)
  • Alaska (93.00%)
  • Maine (93.00%)
  • Minnesota (93.00%)
  • New Hampshire (93.00%)
  • North Dakota (93.00%)
  • Vermont (93.00%)
  • Wyoming (93.00%)

Which states have the lowest high school graduation rates?

Georgia had the lowest overall graduation rate in the nation with 54% of students graduating, followed by Nevada, Florida, and Washington, D.C. Iowa had the highest overall graduation rate with 93%, followed by North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.

What states have the highest graduation rates?

Iowa, Kentucky and Texas boasted the highest graduation rates in the country, with each graduating an average of 94% of its students in 2020. Connecticut, Massachusetts, North Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Virginia followed closely behind, with average graduation rates of 93%.

What is the average graduation rate for high school in the US?

The U.S. average ACGR for public high school students increased from 79 percent in 2010–11 to 86 percent in 2018–19. In 2018–19, the ACGR ranged from 69 percent in the District of Columbia to 92 percent in Iowa and Alabama.

What city has the most high school dropouts?

Those with the lowest graduation rates include Indianapolis (31 percent), Cleveland (34 percent), Detroit (38 percent), Milwaukee (41 percent), Baltimore (41 percent), Atlanta (44 percent), Los Angeles (44 percent), Las Vegas (45 percent), and Columbus (45 percent).

What is the most illiterate state in America?

Literacy rates vary greatly by state and are affected by several factors….States with the Lowest Literacy Rates

  1. 1. California. California’s 23.1% of adults lacking basic prose literacy skills make California have the lowest literacy rate of 76.9%.
  2. New York.
  3. Florida.
  4. Texas.
  5. New Jersey.

Which state has the highest dropout rate?

The states with the highest percentage of students not graduating on time were New Mexico (28.9%) and Oregon (23.3%). On-time graduation rates are lowest in Wheeler County, Oregon, where 74% of children fail to complete high school on time.