What state has the area code 250?
What state has the area code 250?
250 is an area code located in the state of British Columbia, CA.
Is 250 a BC number?
Area code 250 serves most of British Columbia, Canada except the Vancouver area. It overlaps coverage areas with area codes 236 and 778.
Where do phone numbers start with 250?
The area code used in Victoria is 250. Over fifty communities use the Victoria area code. Victoria is situated in British Columbia, one of the Canadian provinces. British Columbia uses three area codes, and 250 is one of the three.
What area code is 250 in Alberta?
Canada Long-Distance Call Rates
Area Code | Province | Rate/Minute |
780 | Alberta | $0.06 |
867 | Alberta | $0.06 |
778 | British Columbia | $0.06 |
250 | British Columbia | $0.06 |
What is the area code for B.C. Canada?
604, 778, 250, 236 The 778 code was introduced in 2001 and 236 was brought in as an area code in 2013. Both 778 and 236 are used throughout B.C. The urbanized area north of Metro Vancouver to Whistler uses only the 604 area code. The 250 area code is only found outside of Metro Vancouver.
What is British Columbia phone code?
By next spring, British Columbians will start dialling phone numbers with the area code 672. The CRTC says a new area code is needed because options with the other four — 604, 778, 250 and 236 — are expected to run out by May 2020. The new 672 code will be used to cover the entire province, just like 236 and 778.
What is Canada area code?
+1Canada / Dialing code
What is the area code for Edmonton Alberta?
780 code
Alberta’s 403 area code was introduced in 1947 and now mainly serves southern Alberta. The 780 code was brought in in 1999 to serve Edmonton and northern areas.
What is the area code for BC Canada?
What are the area codes for Vancouver Island?
The 604 area code has been around for decades and most Vancouver numbers will start with this. The 778 code was introduced in 2001 and 236 was brought in as an area code in 2013. Both 778 and 236 are used throughout B.C. The urbanized area north of Metro Vancouver to Whistler uses only the 604 area code.