What snapshot is 1.17 called?

20w45a is the first snapshot for Java Edition 1.17, released on November 4, 2020, which adds the first Caves & Cliffs features.

What is the 1.18 Minecraft snapshot called?

Caves & Cliffs: Part II
Minecraft Interactive Experience

Edition Java Edition
Official name Caves & Cliffs: Part II
Release date November 30, 2021
Development versions Experimental snapshots (7) Snapshots (8) Pre-releases (8) Release candidates (4) (View all)
Downloads Client (.json) Server

Did Minecraft release 1.18 snapshot?

Minecraft: Java Edition 1.18 Pre-Release 1 is now rolling out, a snapshot that tests a handful of fixes and new features. The highlight of this snapshot is the reintroduction of biome types like amplified and large biomes, as well as some bug fixes.

What is the oldest Minecraft snapshot?

11w47a is the first snapshot for Java Edition 1.1, released on November 24, 2011, which fixed a bug and optimized the game….Minecraft Interactive Experience.

Edition Java Edition
Type Snapshot
Release date November 24, 2011
Snapshot for 1.1
Downloads Client (.json) Server

What Java does 1.17 use?

5(1.17: 21w18a), Minecraft requires Java 8 (1.8. 0) or newer. From Java Edition 1.17(21w19a) to Java Edition 1.17. 1(1.18: 1.18 Pre-release 1), Minecraft requires Java 16 or newer.

Is the warden in 1.18 experimental snapshot?

Minecraft: Java Edition Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 includes a ton of new features from The Wild Update, including the Deep Dark biome and Warden mob.

How long until 1.18 is out?

Minecraft 1.18 launched on November 30, 2021. With Caves and Cliffs part 2 now out, you should see version 1.18 recommended as the latest version in your Minecraft Launcher. Always remember to back up your old save files before loading them into the newest version of the game.

What’s new in the 1.18 snapshot?

However, the 1.18 update is where all the world-changing features will arrive. These include all new biomes, a fearsome new enemy mob in the form of the Minecraft Warden, and new blocks that enable wireless Redstone for the first time in Minecraft.

Is the 1.19 snapshot on bedrock?

0.26 Beta version patch notes: New music, Ancient Cities, Warden changes, and more. Every week, a Beta and Preview gets released for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. A snapshot has also been released for Java Edition.