What snacks can I have on the South Beach Diet Phase 1?

Here are 10 healthy snacks to keep in your kitchen:

  • Hard-boiled Egg with Salt and Pepper.
  • Cottage Cheese with Sliced Cucumbers and Fresh Salsa.
  • Turkey Lunch Meat, Lettuce and Tomato Roll-ups.
  • Homemade Guacamole with Red Bell Pepper Slices.
  • Mixed Nuts.
  • All Natural Peanut Butter with Celery Sticks.

Can you drink caffeine on South Beach Diet?

Coffee on South Beach Diet Here at the South Beach Diet, we wholeheartedly approve of coffee on our plan. Just like unsweetened herbal tea, it contains almost no calories or carbs and counts toward your daily fluid intake.

Are protein shakes allowed on South Beach Diet Phase 1?

Q: Can we take protein shakes in South Beach Diet Phase 1? Dr. Agatston: Protein shakes alone can be dangerous. If they are taken to supplement good vegetables, salads, and good oils, they should be fine.

Can you skip South Beach Diet Phase 1?

A typical South Beach dieter doesn’t begin phase 2 of the program until she’s successfully completed two weeks on phase 1. However, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds or less, you can skip phase 1 and begin the South Beach diet at phase 2.

Is Mayo allowed on South Beach Diet?

Mayonnaise Remember: The South Beach Diet is not a low-fat diet. Your body needs the nutrients and heart-disease-fighting ingredients in Healthy Fats, which is why olive or avocado-oil based mayonnaise is on the approved list.

Can you drink diet Coke on the South Beach Diet?

However, caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee or caffeinated sugarfree sodas are fine on the South Beach Diet — as long as you do not surpass the limit of one cup a day.

Is almond milk allowed on South Beach Diet?

1 cup of almond milk Almond milk is a popular alternative to regular milk for those looking for something that falls under the dairy-free category. Upgrade your chocolate or vanilla shake for enhanced flavor as well as additional protein, vitamins and nutrients from tasty, nutritious almond milk.

How long can you do Phase 1 of South Beach Diet?

Phase 1. Phase 1 lasts 14 days. It’s considered the strictest phase because it limits fruit, grains and other higher-carb foods in order to decrease blood sugar and insulin levels, stabilize hunger and reduce cravings. Most people can expect to lose 8–13 pounds (3.5–6 kg) of body weight during this phase.

What are the cons of the South Beach Diet?

Cons Of The South Beach System

  • Uses The Glycemic Index.
  • Very Restrictive First Phase.
  • Not Enough Structure.
  • Too Many Inconsistencies.
  • Confusing Glycemic Index Values.
  • Ketosis Risk Because Fruits Excluded In Phase 1.
  • Too Rapid Weight Loss.
  • Serious Health Risks.

Can you eat bananas on South Beach Diet?

Foods to avoid High glycemic fruits: bananas, watermelon, grapes, raisins, and pineapple.