What size tank does a hillstream loach need?
What size tank does a hillstream loach need?
around 50 gallons
The recommended tank size for a hillstream loach is around 50 gallons. If you think it’s a little bit large considering how small these fish are, here’s the reason: Author Note: These fish do best when kept in a group of 3-4.
Can hillstream loaches live in 10 gallon tank?
Hillstream loaches prefer cooler water. 65-72F, or thereabouts. They really should not be kept in temps higher than 75. They also need more room than a 10 gallon provides, and water with a lot of current and oxygen.
Can I have 1 hillstream loach?
How many hillstream loaches can be kept together? Most people only get one because they’re more expensive and can cost around $15 each. We recommend getting just one or a group of three or more. If you get two, the stronger one may bully the weaker one over food or territory.
Are hillstream loaches hard to keep?
Otherwise, hillstream loaches are relatively easy to care for as long as water parameters remain stable. These are freshwater fish and are suitable for community tanks because of their peaceful nature – they are totally safe to keep with other non-aggressive fish, snails, shrimp, and live plants.
Are hillstream loaches shy?
The Hillstream Loach is a really neat little fish that is great at eating the small crustaceans and larvae (aufwuchs) that grows in algae. This loach can be very shy and won’t really show themselves in the home aquarium too much.
How do you acclimate Hillstream loaches?
Acclimating Reticulated Hillstream Loach Aquarium lights should be off for at least the first 4 hours of the fish in the new tank and it should not be fed in the first 24h.
Will hillstream loach eat snails?
These are freshwater fish and are suitable for community tanks because of their peaceful nature – they are totally safe to keep with other non-aggressive fish, snails, shrimp, and live plants.