What should the first chapter of a novel do?

The first chapter should engage readers, introduce your protagonist, and provide a window into the world of your story….How to Write the First Chapter of Your Novel

  • Establish the tone.
  • Determine your point of view.
  • Make sure your protagonist has a clear goal.

How do you plan the first chapter of a novel?

First Chapter Checklist #3: Setting Up the Story

  1. Introduce the Story’s Protagonist.
  2. Create and/or Foreshadow the Main Story Goal.
  3. Establish the Thing the Character Wants.
  4. Hint at the Lie the Character Believes.
  5. Establish the Normal World as a Thematic Starting Place.
  6. Foreshadow the First Plot Point.

How long should a first chapter in a novel be?

between 3,000 to 5,000 words
Most agree that under 1,000 words would be rather short and that over 5,000 might be rather too long. As a general guideline, chapters should be between 3,000 to 5,000 words. All of them agree that the chapter length should be defined by the story and that any chapter length targets you decide on are merely guidelines.

What should you not do in the first chapter?

Let’s dive right in and take a look at seven elements to avoid in your first chapter.

  • An overly slow opening.
  • Generic or clichéd beginnings.
  • Overwritten prose.
  • Too much descriptive detail.
  • Backstory or info-dumping.
  • False beginnings/bait-and-switches.
  • An unnecessary prologue.

What makes a good opening scene?

Make sure your opening scene is your strongest. This is the reader’s introduction to your story and where you’re revealing the characters, the setting, and kicking off the plotline with the inciting incident. This first scene has to hook the reader from the first line so they keep turning the pages.

How many characters should you introduce in the first chapter?

You involve up to five to eight characters in the beginning and add more in later chapters to which it’s most preferable when their roles are smaller. Depending on the size of the story, remind the reader who they are and what they look like in casual description of what they’re doing in scenes.

How many characters should the first chapter have?

Is 1500 words enough for a chapter?

From these numbers, we can establish some guidelines: the average word count of a chapter typically falls somewhere between 1,500 and 5,000 words, with 3,000–4,000 being the most common sweet spot.

Why is writing the first chapter so hard?

So yes, a first chapter is hard to write because there’s so much you need to include, but you also don’t want to include too much. But it will be much easier to write once you’ve got the rough draft of the whole story, so don’t agonize and write it last.

How do I know if my first chapter is good?

7 Key Elements To Include In Your First Chapter

  • A great opening paragraph. Ahhh, the opening paragraph…
  • A compelling character. In any novel of any genre or style, characters are key.
  • A strong voice.
  • A well-chosen starting point.
  • An authentic sense of place.
  • A burgeoning conflict.
  • A hook for your intended readership.