What should I revise for maths?

5 Maths Revision Tips That Really Work

  • Go through your specification and highlight each topic according to difficulty.
  • Bunch together past paper questions on a specific topic.
  • Make flashcards/posters with key formulae/equations.
  • Do past papers under timed conditions.
  • Work through questions with friends.

Is the Casio FX 991EX allowed in GCSE exams?

The more advanced fx-991EX calculator will allow you to check answers to complex maths such as solving equations. It is also the calculator that can see you through to more advanced maths after GCSE. Both calculators are allowed in GCSE exams.

What is the easiest GCSE maths paper?

Those that do take the subjects say Edexcel is the easiest board, as the question set up means less theory application is involved. Despite the high-grade boundaries, the smaller essay questions and substantial proportion of multiple-choice makes this the easiest board.

How do you revise math last minute?

7 Last-minute exam tips for Maths

  1. Budget time.
  2. Read the hardest questions first.
  3. Conceptualise the answer before you write.
  4. Draw a diagram where possible.
  5. Set out the logic of your workings.
  6. Be careful with rounding and units.
  7. Check your work at the end.

Does calculator use Bodmas?

BODMAS/BIDMAS on a calculator BODMAS or BIDMAS must also be used when using a calculator. Scientific calculators automatically apply the operations in the correct order, however extra brackets may be required.

Which calculator is not allowed for GCSE?

Please note J560/02 (Foundation tier) and J560/05 (Higher tier) are non-calculator examinations and candidates are not permitted calculators for these.

What is the difference between FX 991ES and FX 991ES plus?

They’re essentially the same calculator from the looks of things, the PLUS version is just easier on the hands (improved ergonomics) and it’s more difficult to hit the wrong buttons (enhanced button colouring).

Where can I get help with maths revision?

The maths revision site. Revision Maths is part of the Revision World group, giving maths students free GCSE and A Level maths revision resources and maths exam advice. Create your own individual study planner and revision timetable to help you plan your revision.

What is GCSE Maths calculator?

GCSE Mathematics goes beyond using the basic features of a calculator and explores many of the special functions of a scientific calculator It is important to get to know your calculator, the earlier you get one and learn about the scientific functions the better you will be at using them

How do I use the Calculator’s math mode?

Most calculators default to “Math” mode with the word Math written across the top of the display or using a symbol When in “Math” mode you can switch whatever is on the answer line between exact and decimals by pressing the “S-D” button 2. Templates

How do you use the ANS button on a calculator?

For a quick example, try using your calculator to work out -3 2 and then (-3) 2 .In working out always write down more digits than the final answer requires and don’t round them (write something like 9.3564… using the three dots shows you haven’t rounded). Use the ANS button when you next need that number on your calculator.