What should boiler thermostat be set to?

As a rule, setting your heating control to 75 degrees should be sufficient to give you a perfectly warm house, while also allowing your boiler to run as economically as possible. Once this is set, you shouldn’t need to adjust it.

What temperature should I set my boiler for radiators?

75 degrees
Your boiler controls explained To maximise efficiency, we recommend setting your radiator dial to 75 degrees and your hot water to 60 degrees. Once you’ve got your boiler running at the optimal temperature, you’ll want to set the timer for when you need heating the most.

What temperature should my boiler be set at for central heating UK?

If you’re looking for a good balance of warmth and efficiency, you want to set your boiler to at least 65°C. Setting it a few degrees higher won’t hurt. But it’s important not to set it any lower than that. This is so bacteria in the water doesn’t grow, and cause nasty things like Legionella.

What should you set your thermostat at in winter?

The ideal thermostat temperature in the winter is 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re at home. Energy.gov suggests that 68 degrees is a good room temperature while you’re awake at home but recommends lowering it while you’re asleep or away.

What temperature should I set my thermostat in winter UK?

between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius
The Energy Saving Trust recommends heating your home to between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius during winter. And The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests 18 degrees is the ideal temperature for healthy and well-dressed people.

Should thermostat be on auto or on?

If you want to keep the energy bills low, you should set the thermostat to ‘Auto’. However, if you prefer more even distribution of heat inside the house, it’s better that you set the thermostat setting to ‘On’.

What temperature should my hot water be UK?

While 60 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature for your water tank, water at this heat could cause scalding in only a single second! This means it’s vital to check that your tap water is at a lower heat. In the UK, hot water at the tap should be a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius.

What is the most economical setting for central heating?

They are usually marked with a scale from 0 – 6, where zero (0) is off and six (6) is fully open. Aim for the lowest setting that keeps the room at a comfortable temperature, as this will reduce the volume of hot water, using less energy and saving you money.

How do I adjust the temperature on my Vaillant combi boiler?

Adjusting the radiator and water temperature on a modern Vaillant combi boiler is quick and simple. Our modern boiler systems come equipped with a user control panel and LCD screen to facilitate adjusting the temperature, where individual settings can be input for your water and radiator temperature.

Why choose Vaillant for your boiler control?

At Vaillant we manufacture our own controls and thermostats specifically designed to operate our boilers and heat pumps in the most efficient way – helping meet Boiler Plus. You can choose from simple analogue heating timers to smartphone App based thermostat controls that allow homeowners to manage their heating wherever they are.

What temperature should I Set my boiler to?

To make a comparison, a typical home thermostat is often set between 19-21 degrees celsius, whilst a boiler can be set anywhere upwards of 75 degrees celsius. Furthermore, a boiler will have a different temperature setting for use when heated water is required.

What is the heating mode of my boiler?

In heating mode, the boiler heats the hot water and sends it through the radiators or underfloor heating of your home (heating circuit).