What secret does the Face of Boe tell the Doctor?

Played by Struan Rodger. Apparently dying in a New New York hospital, when the Face of Boe had watched the universe grow old, he told the Tenth Doctor that he would reveal his greatest secret to “one like himself”, before he teleported himself away.

Is the Face of Boe Captain Jack Harkness?

In-universe, however, we only have Captain Jack’s testimony. On May 30, 2020, during the New Earth and Gridlock #NewNewYork tweetalong on Twitter, Davies officially confirmed that Jack is indeed the Face Of Boe.

What episode does the Doctor find out who the Face of Boe is?

In the Doctor Who episode “Last of the Time Lords,” Jack unwittingly reveals himself as the future Face of Boe, but it is not said when this transition occurs.

What does the Face of Boe mean by you are not alone?

The Face of Boe tells the Doctor “You are not alone”, a warning about Prof. YANA being a timelord.

How did Jack become Face of Boe?

At end of the series, Jack casually mentioned that his old nickname used to be The Face of Boe, stemming from his birthplace in the Boeshane Peninsula. It was then that the Doctor and sidekick Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), realised it must be Jack from the future.

Did Rose make Jack immortal?

After he was shot and killed by a Dalek, Jack was revived by Rose Tyler, who at the time was transformed into a nearly omnipotent being. Unable to control her powers, she accidentally turned him into an immortal being.

Why is the Master insane?

A childhood friend of the Doctor, the Master was driven insane after looking into the Untempered Schism on Gallifrey at the age of eight. Like the Doctor, he fled from the Time Lord’s home planet in a stolen TARDIS.

What was inside the masters head?

We know that the Master had been hearing it since childhood when he looked into the Untempered Schizm on Gallifrey. More importantly, we know that the sound itself is nothing more than a tiny signal – a link for Gallifrey to escape from the Time War, or at least, to break the time lock on it.

Who is the face of Boe?

The Face of Boe was a compassionate and selfless being who was willing to give his life for the greater good. He used up all of his remaining life force to save people who were trapped on the Motorway.

What was the last secret the face of Boe revealed to the Doctor?

This was the only time the Face of Boe communicated vocally with the Doctor. Boe revealed his last secret with his dying breath after sacrificing himself to save the city of New New York: “You [the Doctor] are not alone”.

Who is the face of Boe in Torchwood?

Producer Julie Gardner, however, has been more assertive in this regard, stating outright at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con that the Face of Boe is Jack Harkness. Similarly, the Torchwood Declassified featurette from Torchwood series 2 has John Barrowman, David Tennant and Russell T Davies stating that they believe the Face of Boe is Jack Harkness.

Is Jack Harkness the same as the face of Boe?

This transformation may be unique to Jack’s Boekind heritage, which could slightly differ compared to humans. Russell T. Davies has always refused to absolutely confirm that Jack Harkness and the Face of Boe are one and the same, but Barrowman and other cast members have referenced the connection as canon.
