What research is being done on multiple sclerosis?
What research is being done on multiple sclerosis?
Genetic research funded by NINDS is exploring the roles of “susceptibility genes”—genes that are associated with an increased risk for MS. Several candidate genes have been identified and researchers are studying their function in the nervous system to discover how they may lead to the development of MS.
What laboratory test is necessary for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis?
There are no specific tests for MS . Instead, a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis often relies on ruling out other conditions that might produce similar signs and symptoms, known as a differential diagnosis. Your doctor is likely to start with a thorough medical history and examination.
What forms of monitoring are used for multiple sclerosis?
MRI scans provide physicians with a significant amount of information that they use to monitor MS disease activity and progression. The aim of MSPie is to provide quantifiable information on the most important imaging biomarkers in MS: the number and volume of new lesions, and measures of brain atrophy.
What are some differential diagnosis for multiple sclerosis?
The main differential diagnoses for MS include, but are not limited to, the following: Spinal cord neoplasms (eg, astrocytomas, ependymomas) Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) Schilder disease.
Why is multiple sclerosis research important?
An important aspect of our research focuses on improving our understanding of how these nerve cells are injured and how this injury might be prevented or reversed. This approach may eventually lead to new MS therapies.
What do researchers believe play a role in development of MS?
Growing evidence suggests that vitamin D plays an important role in MS. Low vitamin D levels in the blood have been identified as a risk factor for the development of MS. Some researchers believe that sun exposure (the natural source of Vitamin D) may help to explain the north-south distribution of MS.
Which assessment findings are support the diagnosis of MS?
Typical findings include an isolated sixth nerve palsy, gaze evoked nystagmus or an internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia is pathognomonic of MS. The diagnosis of MS is based on the clinical features of the attacks including the history and examination findings.
How does an MRI diagnose MS?
Magnetic resonance imaging has become the single most useful test for the diagnosis of MS; MRI is sensitive to brain changes which are seen in MS. Classically, the MRI shows lesions in the white matter deep in the brain near the fluid spaces of the brain (the ventricles).
Why is MRI best for multiple sclerosis?
Why are MRI scans important for an MS diagnosis? In MS your immune system attacks the myelin coating surrounding nerves. MRI scans can pick up these areas of damage, called lesions, in different parts of your central nervous system. MRI has shaped how we monitor and treat MS too.
How does an MRI help diagnose MS?
What are the benefits of considering a differential diagnosis?
A differential diagnostic approach is helpful when there may be multiple potential causes to consider….The goals of differential diagnosis are to:
- narrow down the working diagnosis.
- guide medical evaluation and treatment.
- rule out life threatening or time critical conditions.
- enable the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.