What release does Eva Shockey use?

Tru-Fire Eva Shockey Signature
Tru-Fire Eva Shockey Signature Release-�Most of the releases on the market are focused only on function but I designed a release to focus on function AND fashion. Also, if you have smaller wrists and hands… this release will be just right for you!!

What is Eva Shockey’s middle name?

Her middle name “Bow” represents an archery bow and our love for the outdoors.

What lake does Eva Shockey live on?

Jordan Lake
We were in awe of the natural beauty surrounding us as we took a road trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and came home to bass fish on the incredible Jordan Lake right here in Raleigh.

What is Eva Shockey’s full name?

Eva Shockey (born January 5, 1988) is an author, TV personality and blogger. Shockey was also co-host of her father Jim Shockey’s television show on Outdoor Channel — Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures.

What is Eva Shockey’s draw weight?

Axle-To-Axle: 31.5″ Brace Height: 6.25″ Draw Weight: 40. 50, 60 Lbs.

What bow Does Eva Shockey use?

The Eva Shockey Signature Series compound bow from BowTech is a bow for the serious female archer, designed by a woman for women….Bowtech Eva Shockey Right Hand Bow 50 lb – Black.

Store Availability Phone
West Spokane, WA Out Of Stock 509.418.9460

Where is Eva Shockey’s house?

In each of her ventures, Shockey emphasizes that hunting and the outdoors are part of a balanced life, one where family, food, and comfort intertwine. And it explains why this Vancouver Island, Canada, native chose to make North Carolina her home in 2016.

How is Jim Shockeys wife?

Louise ShockeyJim Shockey / Wife (m. 1980)

How fast is Eva Shockey bow?

The bow measures 31.5 inches from axle to axle, has a 6.25-inch brace height and weighs just 3.3 pounds. It can fire arrows at speeds up to 332 fps. Available standard in Micro Carbon Fibre with Electric Blue accents.

What does Shockey mean?

a state of shock
adjective A popular term referring to a state of shock.

What caliber rifle does Jim Shockey hunt with?

. 338, I use it for everthing I hunt (when I hunt with a rifle). 270 win. fast enough for varmint, big enough for pig, deer, elk, moose, sheep, etc.

Where did Jim Shockey get all his money?

As a young man, Shockey was business-focused, and in his 20s, he owned high-end antiques stores in Vancouver. He eventually sold his stores and mortgaged everything he had to start an outfitting business for black bear hunters on Vancouver Island.