What questions do you ask a migraine?

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Migraines

  • How can I pinpoint what triggers my headache?
  • What should I keep track of in a headache diary?
  • Could any of my medicines (such as birth control pills) be making my migraine headaches worse?
  • Is there a chance my migraine symptoms might go away in a few years?

Is migraine a questionnaire?

The migraine screen questionnaire (MS-Q) is a five-item migraine screening questionnaire developed for use in clinical practice and research settings both in the general population and occupational medicine [13]. The questionnaire is based on the international headache society criteria (IHS) on migraine diagnosis [16].

Do you need a script for sumatriptan?

Sumatriptan tablets, nasal spray and injections are available on prescription. You can also buy packs containing two 50mg tablets from a pharmacy without a prescription, but only if you have previously been diagnosed with migraines.

How do you measure a migraine severity?

The PHQ-9 scale yields a total score ranging from 0 to 27. Scores of 5, 10, 15, and 20 represent mild, moderate, moderately severe, and severe depression, respectively. The PHQ-9 has recently been validated in patients with migraine including in our cohort [23, 24].

How do you classify headaches?

Like its predecessor, the second edition of the IHS classification separates headache into primary and secondary disorders. The four categories of primary headaches include migraine, tension-type headache, cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and other primary headaches.

Which test is used to detect migraine?

Computerized tomography (CT) scan. A CT scan uses a series of X-rays to create detailed cross-sectional images of the brain. This helps doctors diagnose tumors, infections, brain damage, bleeding in the brain and other possible medical problems that may be causing headaches.

How do you score the headache disability index?

Answer each question only as it pertains to your headache. SCORING INSTRUCTIONS: Yes = 4 points, Sometimes = 2, No = 0. Using this system, a total score of 10-28 is considered to indicate mild disability; 30-48 is moderate disability; 50-68 is severe disability; 72 or more is complete disability.

Do I need a script for Imigran?

Can I buy Imigran without a prescription? Yes, you can talk to your pharmacist who can supply you a 2-pack of Imigran 50mg tablets. Your pharmacist must decide if this product is right for you, if this is the first time that you have suffered from a migraine they will recommend you see a doctor first.

Is Imigran prescription only?

As of February 1, patients can buy sumatriptan (Imigran) and zolmatriptan (Zomig) from their pharmacist without a prescription – providing they have “a stable, well-established pattern of symptoms”.

What is Midas questionnaire?

The MIDAS Questionnaire was developed to assess headache-related disability with the aim of improving migraine care. Headache sufferers answer five questions, scoring the number of days, in the past 3 months, of activity limitations due to migraine.

What is a hit 6 score?

Little or no impact = HIT-6 score 49 or less. Some impact = HIT-6 score 50–55. Substantial impact = HIT-6 score 56–59. Severe impact = HIT-6 score ≥ 60.