What projects does the EU fund?

Shared management

  • European Regional Development Fund – regional and urban development.
  • European Social Fund – social inclusion and good governance.
  • Cohesion Fund – economic convergence by less developed regions.
  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
  • European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

How do I get funding from the EU?

Apply for funding To access EU grants, you should apply via the relevant regional or national authorities (known as managing authorities) in the member state where you are registered. The Ministry of Agriculture in your country is responsible for funding for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

What does the EU provide funding for?

The EU provides funding for a broad range of projects and programmes covering various areas, from education, research, employment, regional development to the environment, humanitarian aid, agriculture, and the marine, among many others.

What is the main source of the European Union funding?

The EU’s sources of income include: contributions from member countries; import duties on products from outside the EU; a new contribution based on non-recycled plastic packaging waste; and fines imposed when businesses fail to comply with EU rules.

Where can I find EU funded projects?

List of databases of EU-funded research and innovation projects

  • Commission database of EU-funded reseach and innovation projects (CORDIS)
  • EU Health programmes project database.
  • Financial transparency system.
  • EIC Accelerator data hub.
  • InfoRegio data on major projects.
  • Intelligent Energy Europe project database.

What is replacing European Social Fund?

What will replace EU structural funds? The UK government plans to replace EU structural funds with a new UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), due to launch in April 2022.

What are EU grants?

Definition. A grant is a financial donation awarded by the contracting authority to the grant beneficiary. It is funded by the EU general budget or the European Development Fund (EDF). There are two main types of grants: An action grant funds a specific action intended to help achieve one of our policy objectives.

What is EU subsidy?

Subsidies. Subsidies are a big part of the funding provided by the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), offering, among other things, direct cash payments to farmers so they can bolster their income. Subsidies also aim to reduce economic and social disparity in the EU’s poorest regions.

How does the European Social Fund work?

The ESF invests in people, with a focus on improving employment and education opportunities across the European Union. It also aims to improve the situation of the most vulnerable people at risk of poverty. The ESF investments cover all EU regions.

Who controls EU funding?

All the programmes funded by the EU budget fall under one of three types of implementation modes depending on the nature of the funding concerned: direct management: EU funding is managed directly by the European Commission. shared management: the European Commission and national authorities jointly manage the funding.

What is the InvestEU Programme?

The InvestEU Programme supports sustainable investment, innovation and job creation in Europe. It aims to trigger more than €372 billion in additional investment over the period 2021-27. The InvestEU Programme builds on the successful model of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan.

What is pm2 project management methodology?

PM² is a project management methodology developed by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their projects.