What profession makes staves in Wow Shadowlands?

Jewelcrafting can makes staves up to level 400.

What classes use staves wow?

Classes that can learn to use staves are; Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior.

Can Warriors use staffs Shadowlands?

Hunters, Priests, and Warriors can all learn to use staves from a Weapon Master.

What is the most lucrative profession in WoW?

The highest paying professions in WoW: Shadowlands

  • 1) Mining and Herbalism.
  • 2) Alchemy.
  • 3) Inscription.
  • 4) Enchanting.
  • 5) Leatherworking and skinning.

Can DKS use staves?

Death Knights can also dual-wield one-handed weapons. Druid: Daggers, fist weapons, one-handed maces, polearms, staves, and two-handed maces.

Can warlocks use staffs?

Warlocks are able to equip Staves, One-Handed Swords, Daggers, and Wands. All Warlocks begin Classic with the Daggers and Wand skills learned, and they will need to learn how to equip Staves and One-Handed Swords.

Can monk use staff?

The Monk can use the quarterstaff with two hands and then, with a bonus action, use unarmed strike. In fact, the restriction is for weapons with the properties two-handed and heavy.

Can Mage wear mace?

Mages cannot use Maces.

Can you still get scythe of the Unmaker?

The Scythe of the Unmaker can be obtained by defeating Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne. It is the personal weapon of the titan.

What weapon should a fury warrior use?

Fury Warrior Best in Slot Gear

Weapons Max. DPS Popularity
Rimebinder’s Runeblade Gavel of the First Arbiter 28.3K 3%
Zin’khas, Blade of the Fallen God Gavel of the First Arbiter 31.4K 3%
Rift-Scarred Solcrusher Gavel of the First Arbiter 25.3K 3%
Dessia’s Decimating Decapitator Gavel of the First Arbiter 36.7K 2%