What port is UDP 5353?

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry

Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol
dns-llq 5352 udp
mdns 5353 tcp
mdns 5353 udp
mdnsresponder 5354 tcp

Why is port 5353 open?

10) – a backdoor trojan horse that gives an attacker unauthorized access to an infected computer by opening TCP port 5353 and listening for incoming connections. Remote attackers can perform a denial of service in WebRamp systems by sending a malicious UDP packet to port 5353, changing its IP address.

How do I open UDP port 1434?

Following the steps below will enable port 1434 in your windows firewall.

  1. Click Start, Click Run.
  2. Type Firewall.cpl.
  3. Click OK, Click the Exceptions Tab.
  4. Click Add Port.
  5. In the Port Number, type 1434.
  6. Click the UDP button.
  7. Type a name in the name box and then Click OK.
  8. Click to select the check box next to the new service.

How does mDNS Protocol work?

In computer networking, the multicast DNS (mDNS) protocol resolves hostnames to IP addresses within small networks that do not include a local name server. It is a zero-configuration service, using essentially the same programming interfaces, packet formats and operating semantics as unicast Domain Name Service (DNS).

What is mDNS detection remote network?

Description. The remote service understands the Bonjour (also known as ZeroConf or mDNS) protocol, which allows anyone to uncover information from the remote host such as its operating system type and exact version, its hostname, and the list of services it is running.

How do I test UDP port connectivity?

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  1. both on client ans server install nc: yum install nc (for centos)
  2. on server listen UDP port: nc -ul 6111 (add the -6 option if you’re testing an ipv6 connection)
  3. on client nc -u 6111.
  4. type anything on client and hit enter – you should see this text on server.

Is port 1434 a TCP or UDP?

UDP 1434. UDP port 1434 is used for SQL Server named instances. The SQL Server Browser service listens on this port for incoming connections to a named instance. The service then responds to the client with the TCP port number for the requested named instance.