What Pokémon can have the ability suction cups?

Pokémon with Suction Cups

Pokémon Types First Ability
Octillery Water Water
Lileep Rock Suction Cups
Cradily Rock Suction Cups
Inkay Dark Contrary

What does Aerilate do in Pokémon?

Aerilate causes all Normal-type moves used by the Pokémon to become Flying-type and receive a 30% power boost. It overrides Ion Deluge and Electrify.

Does Aerilate stack with stab?

According to Smogon, “Pixilate, Refrigerate, and Aerilate all increase a Normal-type move’s power by 30% before changing the type of the move, and they still get the STAB bonus!”

Is sticky hold a good ability?

Protects the Pokémon from item theft. Items held by the Pokémon are stuck fast and cannot be removed by other Pokémon. Items held by the Pokémon are stuck fast and cannot be removed by other Pokémon….Pokémon with Sticky Hold.

Pokémon Swalot
Types Poison
First Ability Poison
Second Ability Liquid Ooze

What Pokémon has no guard?

Pokémon with No Guard

Pokémon Types First Ability
Machamp Fighting Fighting
Karrablast Bug Bug
Golett Ground Iron Fist
Golurk Ground Iron Fist

How does arena trap work?

Arena Trap prevents all grounded adjacent opponents from fleeing (including Teleport) or switching out as long as the user remains in battle. However, if a Pokémon with Arena Trap switches in, opponents that decided to switch out at the beginning of that turn but have not yet moved will still switch out.

What is the Pixilate ability?

Pixilate causes all Normal-type moves used by the Pokémon to become Fairy-type and receive a 30% power boost. It overrides Ion Deluge and Electrify.

What does liquid ooze ability do?

Liquid Ooze causes HP-draining moves used on the Pokémon with this Ability to damage their user instead of healing them.

What does the ability gooey do?

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Contact with the Pokémon lowers the attacker’s Speed stat. Contact with the Pokémon lowers the attacker’s Speed stat.

Can no guard hit fly?

All moves used by or against a Pokémon with this Ability cannot miss. It also allows Pokémon to be hit during the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly, Bounce, Dive, Dig, Shadow Force, Sky Drop, and Phantom Force.