What Pokémon are in Route 229?

Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location
Bellsprout D Grass
Weepinbell D Grass
Scyther D Grass

How do you get to shining pearl on Route 229?

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Route 229 has 20 pokemon spawns you can find, 1 of which is Pidgey who can only be found in Route 229. You can also find Lv….Pokemon BDSP Route 229 Pokemon Spawns.

Method How To Catch Pokemon Spawns
Walking 100 – 20% Bellsprout Lv. 20-22
Walking 100 – 20% Illumise Lv. 50

What Pokémon are on Route 217 shining pearl?

Route 217 Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Pokemon Method
Shellos Grass
Zubat Grass
Snorunt Via Poke Radar

How do you get the odd keystone in BDSP?

The quickest way to get the Odd Keystone is to speak to an NPC on Route 208 outside of Hearthome City. This person can be found hidden by some trees located to the bottom right of a Honey Tree.

Can you get Oddish in BDSP?

Oddish is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Is Route 229 a postgame?

Route 229 is a postgame route situated at the intersection point between Route 228, the Resort Area and Route 230. It’s a fairly small area, with many trees and thick grass.

Can I get Eevee in Pokemon Diamond?

To get Eevee you will first need to get the National Pokedex 8Beat the Elite 4, see all 150 Sinnoh Dex Pokemon and talk to the Professor at Sandgem Town to get the National Pokedex) Then once we have it all we need to do is go and speak with Bebe at her house in Hearthome City, her home is the building just to the …

Where is Eevee in brilliant diamond?

Hearthome City
With the National Dex in hand, Fly to Hearthome City and go into the house next to the Pokemon Center. Speak to Bebe, and she’ll hand over an Eevee.

How many Spiritomb can you get legends arceus?

Spawns After Completing Request 22 Spiritomb will spawn in the Shrouded Ruins at the Crimson Mirelands.

How do you get Spiritomb in Legends arceus?

Upon collecting all 107 Wisps and receiving the 108th Wisp in a cutscene, the Odd Keystone key item will release Spiritomb, and the player will have a chance to catch it. As this is the only confirmed method to encounter Spiritomb, players must complete this sidequest in order to complete the entire Pokedex.

Is Bellossom in BDSP?

Bellossom is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Learn about how to get Bellossom with detailed locations, its full learnset with all learnable moves, evolution data and how to evolve, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more.