What plants pair well with cannas?

While cannas always look great on their own, consider pairing them with other big and assertive plants such as elephant ears, dahlias, sunflowers, amaranth and kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate. The canna’s dramatic foliage and exotic flowers take pots and planters to new heights.

What should you plant around your mailbox?

Related To:

  • Coreopsis auriculata ‘Nana’ Also known as tickseed, Coreopsis auriculata is a North America native perennial that grows easily in conditions of full sun and soil with medium moisture.
  • Purple Verbena.
  • Rosemary.
  • ‘Purple Wave’ Petunia.
  • Clematis.
  • Yarrow.
  • Pampas Grass.
  • Stonecrop.

What can I plant in my mailbox planter?

Plant IN a mailbox planter This space is ideal for small perky annual flowers such as marigolds, ageratum, or sweet alyssum. Create visual continuity by repeating one of the flowers in the planter box from those in the garden below. In the example at top, marigolds and dusty miller pair up at the base of the post.

What flowers can I plant around mailbox?

Everything in This Slideshow

  • 1 of 12. Clematis “Jackmanii”
  • Sedum. This pretty pink plant is low-maintenance and grows into the fall, making it the perfect choice for your mailbox garden.
  • Lavender.
  • Zinnias.
  • Dianthus.
  • Russian Sage.
  • Summer Phlox.
  • Rosa Rugosa.

How far apart do you plant canna lilies?

Spacing: Leave 18-24 inches between plants in the landscape. If growing cannas in containers, select a container that is at least 18 inches in diameter, and plant one rhizome per pot. Planting: Plant canna rhizomes one to two inches below the soil.

What do you plant next to calla lilies?

Good companion plants for perennial calla lilies planted in the woodland garden include ferns, astilbes, hostas, ligularias and impatiens. In a container, annual calla lilies combine well with petunias, dusty miller, allysum, creeping jenny, heliotrope or dichondra.

What can you put around your mailbox?

Improve your home’s curb appeal by enhancing the area around your mailbox. It’s a great way to accentuate your landscape….Materials

  • Plants.
  • Garden Soil.
  • Landscape Fabric.
  • Rope.
  • Compost.

What can I plant around a light post?

Place Shrubs and Flowers in the Garden Bed Arrange your choice of evergreen shrubs, perennial shrubs, annual and perennial flowers, and groundcover plants in the flower bed around the post, suggests Cornell University Home Gardening.

How fast do canna lilies spread?

How Long Does It Take For Canna Bulbs To Sprout? From the time you plant canna rhizomes into the ground or pots, it takes about 4-6 weeks for them to start to sprout. The warmer it is, the faster they will grow.

Should cannas be cut back?

Timing. Cannas grow on rhizomes, and like most rhizomes plants, they need to be cut down to the ground once the plant is done actively growing. The best time to do this is a few days after the first hard frost of fall. The frost kills the aboveground parts of the plant.