What percentage of the US is functionally illiterate?

21 percent
This is not just a problem in developing countries. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), 21 percent of adults in the United States (about 43 million) fall into the illiterate/functionally illiterate category.

What is the illiteracy rate in the US 2020?

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 54% of U.S. adults 16-74 years old – about 130 million people – lack proficiency in literacy, reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.

Does literacy rate affect GDP?

Countries with a high literacy rate usually have a high GDP per capita. Nations with low GDP frequently have lower literacy rates since the people in that country have less access to education, and children often have to work to help support the family.

What is GDP literacy rate?

Gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita GDP (PGDP) are basic measures of the. economic performance of a country. The literacy rate is the percentage of people with the. ability to read and write.

What is U.S. literacy rate 2021?

The literacy rate for all males and females that are at least 15 years old is 86.3%. Males aged 15 and over have a literacy rate of 90%, while females lag only slightly behind at 82.7%. However, massive country-to-country differences exist.

Is literacy rate social or economic?

Social indicators measure how developed a country may be through non-financial and economic means. For example: Literacy Rate This measures the percentage of adults in a country who are able to read and write their common language.

Why is literacy important for economic development?

1) Literacy develops human resources which is very necessary for the economic development. 2)Educated citizens are more aware about the financial investments and other basic stuffs related with the economy. That’s why literacy is very important for the economic development.

What is the connection between GNP per capita and literacy rates?

From this observational study, we can conclude that there is a positive, exponential relationship between literacy rate and GDP per capita of world countries. This means that as literacy rate increases, so does GDP per capita.

How does literacy rate affect the standard of living in Latin America?

The average literacy rate in Latin American countries is 86.8%. Illiteracy causes the people to have low paying jobs or even no jobs at all. Without literacy, a country has difficulty improving & becoming a developed country.

Which country has highest illiteracy rate?

With 34% of the illiterate population in the world, India has the largest number of illiterates by far, with second-placed China at 11%.