What percentage of income do you pay for child support in PA?

That is the basic child support obligation. To find out what the obligor owes the obligee, you multiply that number by the obligor’s percentage of the combined monthly net income (58%). So, $1,795 X 58% equals $1,041.10. That is going to be the amount of child support that the obligor owes the obligee per month.

Does cohabitation affect child support in PA?

In most cases, marrying another person does not impact child support obligations. Therefore, cohabitating should not impact child support obligations. However, because deviations are possible, a judge could find extraordinary circumstances may justify a modification of child support payments.

How is Pennsylvania child support calculated?

In Pennsylvania, child support paid by one parent to the other parent is calculated using the “income shares” model so that each parent’s share of the basic support obligation is proportional to his or her monthly net income.

How accurate is the PA child support Calculator?

The Pennsylvania Child Support Estimator is quite simple and easy to use. You can also expect it to be accurate and kept up to date in 2022. For the state of Pennsylvania, we advise against using a different calculator as the results may be innacurate or misleading.

Is PA child support based on household income?

Child support awards in Pennsylvania are governed by statewide guidelines, established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The support guidelines determine the amount of support a parent should pay, based on the parties’ net monthly incomes and the number of children involved.

Does living with a new partner affect child maintenance?

Child maintenance remains payable whether or not your ex is living with a new partner. The obligation to pay child maintenance continues regardless of your ex’s circumstances.

Do you have to pay child support if you are not married?

Child support is an inescapable obligation. Even if you were never married to your co-parent, the law still requires that a parent provide financial support to the other parent for their child, except in unusual circumstances. This is separate from alimony or spousal support.

Do you pay child support with joint custody?

If both parents equally share the care of the children, then neither parent will make child maintenance payments or be responsible for child support arrangements.

How much is average child support?

On the basic rate, if you’re paying for: one child, you’ll pay 12% of your gross weekly income. two children, you’ll pay 16% of your gross weekly income. three or more children, you’ll pay 19% of your gross weekly income.

Is a spouse’s income included in child support in PA?

When setting child support, a court normally considers the relative income and assets of both spouses. If the custodial parent earns more than the non-custodial parent, child support may be a small or nominal amount.

How does getting married affect child support in PA?

Remarriage May Impact a Child Support Order In and of itself, remarriage doesn’t ordinarily qualify as a change of circumstances warranting child support modification. That’s because a new spouse isn’t normally responsible for supporting your children from a prior relationship.