What percentage of CIN 3 turns into cancer?

Natural history of CIN 2,3 – Data on the natural history of untreated high-grade disease (CIN 2,3) are limited since most patients are treated. For CIN 3, the estimated spontaneous regression rate is 32 to 47 percent, with 12 to 40 percent progressing to invasive cancer if untreated [8-13].

What is a CIN 3 abnormal smear result?

CIN3 is an abnormality in the cells that line the cervix. The cervix being the neck of the womb. It isn’t cancer. It is an abnormality which, if undetected and untreated over a number of years, can develop into cervical cancer.

Are CIN 3 treatments successful?

How successful is this procedure? This procedure is about 95% successful and 1 in 20 women need a repeat procedure. Histology report from treatment, your individual circumstances and results from 6 months follow-up colposcopy will determine your risk.

How fast does CIN3 turn cancerous?

It has been estimated that the mean calculated time from infection to diagnosis of CIN3+ is 9.4 years (SD 4.1 years) and progression from CIN3 to invasive cervical cancer takes 10–20 years, depending on genotype [7, 8].

Can CIN3 come back after LEEP?

Definitely. A few women we spoke interviewed did have a recurrence of abnormal cells after treatment for CIN3, and this was often found at a follow-up appointment. Most were treated again by LLETZ.

Can CIN3 clear on its own?

CIN 1 lesions generally clear up on their own. CIN 2 lesions often clear up on their own, but can also progress to CIN 3 lesions.

Can you have CIN3 without HPV?

Nearly all CIN3 lesions are associated with hrHPV types, with a very small proportion associated only with low risk HPV types [24].

How effective is the LEEP procedure for CIN 3?

Factors influencing cure rates were evaluated by chi(2) tests. Results: Of the 311 women who underwent LEEP, 283 reported for 1-year follow-up and 248 (87.6%) were disease free. Cure rates were 93.0% for CIN 1, 85.5% for CIN 2, and 72.7% for CIN 3.

Does LEEP cure CIN3?

Results: Of the 311 women who underwent LEEP, 283 reported for 1-year follow-up and 248 (87.6%) were disease free. Cure rates were 93.0% for CIN 1, 85.5% for CIN 2, and 72.7% for CIN 3. Minor adverse effects were observed in 34 women and complications were seen in 5 women.

What are the chances of getting CIN3 again?

[6]. Authors [7], in particular, reported that the rate of persistence of HPV infection after conization for CIN 3 was approximately 20, and 46% of these patients with persistent HPV infection developed CIN relapse at 4–10 months after treatment.

Will a hysterectomy cure CIN3?

A hysterectomy will not cure the HPV which has caused the CIN, as there is no cure for HPV, but the CIN cannot have spread anywhere else in your body and will only be in your cervix area-it doesn’t travel through the bloodstream, and remains where the HPV infection is.