What parts of the body are affected by the lumbar spine?

Your lumbar spine has several functions, including: Supports your upper body, distributes body weight. Your lumbar spine supports the upper two sections of your spine — the seven vertebrae in your neck (cervical spine) and 12 vertebrae in your chest (thoracic spine) — and the weight of your head.

Can back pain be referred to abdomen?

Common causes of back pain involve disease or injury to the muscles, bones, and/or nerves of the spine. Pain arising from abnormalities of organs within the abdomen, pelvis, or chest may also be felt in the back. This is called referred pain.

What organ refers pain to mid back?

Kidney problems can cause pain in the middle back, just underneath the ribcage on either side of the spine. The most common causes of kidney pain are infections and kidney stones. Additional symptoms include: fever.

Can lower back pain be organ related?

There are numerous possible sources of lower right back pain in the organs of the mid-back, abdominal, or pelvic regions. Pain may start following inflammation or irritation of an internal organ, or may be a sign of infection.

Can inflamed organs cause back pain?

Inflammation usually causes chronic digestive issues such as diarrhea, rectal pain, and weight loss. Abdominal cramping is a common symptom of ulcerative colitis, causing sharp back and abdominal pain on one or both sides of the body.

What nerves are affected by lumbar spine?

The lumbar plexus in the human arises from T12, L1, L2, L3, and L4 spinal nerves. The main nerves formed by the plexus are the femoral nerve, the obturator nerve, and the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Part of the L4 root joins with L5 to form the lumbosacral trunk, which then joins the sacral plexus.

Can a herniated lumbar disc cause abdominal pain?

Lateral disc herniation. When herniating laterally, or to the side, the thoracic herniated disc is more likely to impinge on the exiting nerve root at that level of the spine and cause radiating chest wall or abdominal pain.

Can lower back pain radiate to the pelvic area?

Lower back pain is hard enough to deal with, but when it radiates to the front of the pelvis, it can cause discomfort everywhere across the lower region of your torso. The pain might also be felt in the hips, buttocks, or even the legs.

What organ is in your back?

The kidneys are located on either side of your spine, under your rib cage. Your right kidney hangs a little lower than the left, making it even more likely to cause lower back pain if it’s infected, irritated, or inflamed.