What part of the body does Duane syndrome affect?

Duane syndrome (DS) is an eye movement disorder present at birth (congenital) characterized by horizontal eye movement limitation: a limited ability to move the eye inward toward the nose (adduction), outward toward the ear (abduction), or in both directions.

What causes Duane retraction syndrome?

What causes Duane syndrome? Duane syndrome occurs when the sixth cranial nerve—the nerve originating in the brainstem that controls the movements of the lateral rectus muscle — either doesn’t develop at all, or doesn’t work properly.

Can Duane syndrome cause other problems?

DS doesn’t cause blindness and doesn’t usually lead to other health issues. In very rare cases, it has been linked to problems with bones, eyes, ears, kidneys, and the nervous system. Most of the time, only one eye is affected — usually the left one.

Is Duane retraction rare?

Frequency. Isolated Duane retraction syndrome affects an estimated 1 in 1,000 people worldwide. This condition accounts for 1 percent to 5 percent of all cases of abnormal eye alignment (strabismus). For unknown reasons, isolated Duane syndrome affects females more often than males.

Which pathogen is likely the cause of Duane’s illness?

Duane syndrome resulting from a CHN1, MAFB, or SALL4 pathogenic variant is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Most individuals with isolated CHN1-, MAFB-, or SALL4-related Duane syndrome have the disorder as the result of a pathogenic variant inherited from an affected parent.

Can surgery Fix Duane syndrome?

There’s no cure for Duane syndrome, but surgery can be used to try to improve or eliminate issues with head turns, reduce or completely remove considerable misalignment of the eyes, reduce severe retraction of the eyeball, and improve the tendency of the eye to deviate upward or downward with particular eye movements.

Does Duane’s syndrome get worse?

The condition remains stable (although it may not always be noticed immediately after birth) and will not get worse, but will not get better. It may be helpful to inform your child’s school teacher about their eye condition, if your child needs to turn their head to compensate.

Does Duane syndrome count as a disability?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) determined a period of disability began in December 1987 as a result of Duane’s syndrome.

Is Duane syndrome progressive?

Duane syndrome, also called Duane retraction syndrome (DRS), is a congenital and non-progressive type of strabismus due to abnormal development of the 6th cranial nerve. It is characterized by difficulty rotating one or both eyes outward (abduction) or inward (adduction).

Can Duane cause dizziness?

DS should lead to dizziness and vertigo, due to the visual disturbances of double vision, and we have seen how much important appears the sight in the symptom of vertigo; moreover, anisometropia and amblyopia were highly prevalent in DS, with the latter generating the former in a significant association [7].

Is Duane syndrome considered a disability?

3. The Social Security Administration (SSA) determined a period of disability began in December 1987 as a result of Duane’s syndrome.