What part of the basilar membrane would a low frequency sound stimulate?

(B) High-frequency sound waves cause maximum vibration of the area of the basilar membrane nearest to the base of the cochlea; (C) medium-frequency waves affect the centre of the membrane; (D) and low-frequency waves preferentially stimulate the apex of the basilar membrane.

Why do low-frequency sounds hurt my ears?

Outer hair cells, which are responsible for amplifying sounds waves in the ear, are more sensitive to low frequency sounds than inner hair cells. They are thought to be responsible for otoacoustic emissions and these results show that they could be affected when exposed to low frequency sound waves.

Is misophonia a mental illness?

Nonetheless, misophonia is a real disorder and one that seriously compromises functioning, socializing, and ultimately mental health. Misophonia usually appears around age 12, and likely affects more people than we realize.

Can anxiety make you sensitive to noise?

SUMMARY: Sound sensitivity may be the result of trauma (including PTSD), or it could be a symptom of anxiety, known as “hypersensitivity,” that occurs when people are in an anxious state. For specific sound-related anxiety, exposure is one of the more effective ways to reduce its severity.

What does low frequency do?

Low-frequency noise is typically defined on the Common Octave Bands as 500 Hz or less. This means people are more likely to feel the sound’s vibrations rather than hearing it. Low-frequency noise also has longer wavelengths, can travel long distances, and has high endurance.

Which portion of the cochlea responds to low-frequency sound waves?

14.11,inset). The entire basilar membrane, from the base to the apex of the cochlea, responds to intense low-frequency sounds, but closer to threshold it is driven most effectively by sounds of progressively higher frequencies as one moves from the apex to the base of the cochlea (seeFig. 14.13C).

What stimulates the basilar membrane?

The motion of the stapes against the oval window sets up waves in the fluids of the cochlea, causing the basilar membrane to vibrate. This stimulates the sensory cells of the organ of Corti, atop the basilar membrane, to send nerve impulses to the brain.

What causes hypersensitivity to sound?

The most common cause of hyperacusis is damage to the inner ear from ageing or exposure to loud noise. Hyperacusis is often associated with tinnitus (buzzing, ringing or whistling noises in the ears) and distortion of sounds. Usually both ears are affected, although it is possible to have it in only one ear.

What is the difference between Misophonia and hyperacusis?

While misophonia causes an emotional reaction, hyperacusis results in physical pain in the ears. The degree of pain depends on the volume of the sound, so louder sounds will elicit a more painful reaction. The pain can manifest as pressure or loud ringing in the ears. Episodes can last for long periods of time.